Some People were never meant to deal with other people...

Jun 24, 2004 04:23

I am currently taking an online class on domestic violence. There is a person in the class who I know and have taken classes with before; I even had to work with him in a group. Now I realize that I go to school in a small town with people who are from small towns but that can only excuse so much! This person posts to the message board all of the time commenting on topics with his "expert" opinion (40 something year old white straight male.. not to stereo type but just to give you an idea...) so today he posted... his title "poor children need our help" he then goes on to talk about how poor children are abused and as a group go on to abuse others and how we need to reach out and help these poor little children. The man says this and offers no suggestions and why should he? He’s just the bleeding heart liberal at his nice cozy desk after all he offered his sympathy isn’t that enough? First of all I was angry because you always hear about the lil poor helpless children...
Ok yes poor children are effected by family violence put lets face it folks all children can be affected by family violence it knows no class, age, race, sex, ethnicity, or gender. The reason we always think that this is a poor problem is one: the media and two: the way are society works. Poor people tend to be at the mercy of government agencies so they have very little privacy and can easily become a statistic. Middle and upper class people have more privacy because they generally don't rely on the government so they are harder to study.
I also want to point out that family violence is a societal problem not a "poor Problem". We need to better the world one group at a time (i.e. domestic violence survivors) not one class at a time (i.e. lower income people)...
I know that I am cynical but really dislike the way our social welfare system has shaped the way members of our society think. What do you think?
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