I'm Back!!

Jun 22, 2004 12:21

Well my vacation went much better then I expected. Not that I thought that it would be bad, but I did not know what to expect. After all I was going to spend a week with Kate’s whole family. We left on Saturday at 6 am and stopped for dinner in Pittsburg, P.A. Kate had mapped out a vegan friendly restaurant. We got there and the whole menu was vegan!!!! I wish that my stomach was bigger I wanted to eat much more then I did. But it turned out to be a wonderful anniversary. We stopped in Pennsylvania for the night and asked for a queen size bed and the guy was like “well I will give you two double beds for the same price as the queen” we looked at each other and said no we’ll take the queen. He have us weird looks after that….. We got to New Jersey on Sunday. Kate’s family was very welcoming it was wonderful everyone hugged me and told me how nice it was to finally meet me. Kate’s aunt Chris is a lesbian and her partner of 19 years, Tracey was there and she is also a short Jewish lesbian. She walked up to me on the first night, gave me a hug and said "welcome to the family I'm no longer the only person with horns and a tail" we hung out all week and even though we were visiting family it felt like a real vacation, something I very much needed. During prayer at dinner one night (her grandpa was a reverend) her grandma was saying the prayer and it was very long….. And all of the sudden she said “and please god segregate Bush and Chaney to their own part of the world they can do not more harm. Also please god help vote Bush out of office”!!! I about died!! We all laughed and then payer was over but, she made a point of telling us that she prays for that everyday. On the way back we stopped at my parent’s house for father’s day. It was so nice to see my father I have really missed him. It seems like the older I get the closer we get, it's a beautiful relationship and I am very grateful for it.
So we got home on Sunday night and I have been busy ever since then. I worked 9 hours yesterday and 9 today plus I took a test yesterday but, I think that I did well. I am now working on getting everything ready for graduation and trying to secure the last of my scholarships.
While I was at my parent’s house my best friend Jenny came over to say goodbye she is leaving for Australia for a year on a study abroad. It's going to be strange to not be able to talk to her as often as I do (about every other day). Plus she calls me at work on the weekends to help keep me awake. As she was leaving I realized that she will not be here for my graduation! I told her that I am going to be an adult when she gets back. We both laughed... I will never be an adult. It's strange how we rely so much on people in our lives but don't realize it until they are gone. So much is taken for granted...
Well time to get back to work, until later....
Oh Jessie~ I am sorry to hear about the job I can not believe that they hired her! Well from what you tell me I don't think she will last long so turn in your resume anyways!
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