one day at a time.....

Jul 10, 2004 02:20

So I have not updated in a very long time. I would love to update with wonderful news but life does not always work out that way. So to start I bought a car on Thursday it's a blue Toyota Tercel. I took it to get check out before I bought it. They told me that it did not leak oil... the guy who sold it to me said it did not leak oil... I have had it parked in the same place for about 24 hours. I leave to walk to work tonight and guess what I see... a small pool of oil.... I am not a happy car owner....
And the worst news of all.... last night at 8:45 our cat ziggy was hit by a car.... the fucker did not even stop.... Kate was not home... luckily our neighbors all came over and helped me out I was frantic and shaking..... Kate got home we drove to the vet in my uninsured car..... The vet said he was gone when we got there... he said that zig went fast and it was probably over in less then a minute... we are driving down to Kate’s parents house to bury him....
Everyone has been very supportive and a friend brought us dinner tonight so we did not have to cook. I am trying to remember the good things.. I have never lost a pet like this and he was such a wonderful fur child.
Lil bear is taking it fairly well and other then looking around the house for him she seems to like being an only child.
I am just happy that he went fast and felt little to no pain.
On the plus side.... um... my cars new name is Kirby and it's a station wagon. Other then the oil problem that will be taken care of soon, she is a great lil car. She got her first pride sticker today...
Well that’s all she wrote...
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