My first driving lesion went better than expected!
I tried my hardest to pay attention to what my instructor was saying. I actually really learned a lot. "Do you have any type of experience driving at all?"
I tell him that I've only driven around a parking lot. He nods & tells me that it's good enough. I was really freaked out how he just let me drive on the first day. I was gripping the wheel really tight when I first pulled into the road. After I recovered from my mini heart attack from crossing a boulevard, I actually enjoyed myself. I can see why people tell me that driving is fun. My next lesion is tomorrow at 11:00am. I really hope that I get the same instructor. Right now, I'm just counting down the days when I can finally drive my brother's Dodge Charger. Muhaha.
After my lesion, I took my mommy out for a movie & dessert. We went to watch The Heat. It was fucking phenomenal! It was so much more funnier than I expected. Since we were around 71st, I took her to Martha's. We were just talking a bunch of shit. LOL. My moms also brought up the whole flight attendant thing again. "Don't be afraid of your father. If you are, you're never going to do anything." This is very true. I'm just scared on what he's going to tell me. I don't even know why. I just need my pops approval. I don't know why I was so scared of telling him about Mortuary school. He ended up being really nonchalant about it.
I paid for everything. Movies & dessert. I fucking love it when I get to take my mom out like that. I can finally take care of her financially. Like. Na, ma. I got this.
No one knows that my mom has been out of a job for almost 2 weeks. She quit because of the bullshit hours they where giving her. Her diabetes was also getting worse because of it. Ugh. I'm always scared for her 'cause she's so stubborn. Up to this point, I was the only one on this special diet. She's doing way better than before but, I just have to keep an eye on the old lady.