Title: Survival Instinct
Author: Lady Kirara
Prompt: Christmas Challenge - Bark & Bite
Genre: AU, Romance
Words: 150
Rating: K+
Summary: Sesshoumaru has a slight change of heart.
AN: Part of Home for the Holiday
Survival Instinct
Kagome pulled back the curtains and stared at the snow coming in. “It’s really coming down hard. I guess I should be heading home, it’s getting late and I’ve taken too much of your time as it is.”
Sesshoumaru walked back into the room, armed with blankets and a pillow. “The roads are far too unsafe in weather like this. You may spent the evening here if you wish. It is of no consequence to me.”
Kagome blushed. “I guess my sister was wrong about you, your bark is much worse than your bite.”
“Hnn. My sister-in-law saw me twice during her marriage. She hardly knows me well enough to judge me. You’d do well to remember that.”
She nodded her head vigorously and grinned, “Does this mean that you’re no longer opposed to my company?”
Sesshoumaru raised an eyebrow in response, and Kagome took that as a good sign.
Title: Hidden Feelings
Author: Lady Kirara
Prompt: Christmas Challenge - Warm Hands, Warm Heart
Genre: AU, Romance
Words: 150
Rating: K+
Summary: Sesshoumaru proves he really does care, even if he won't share.
AN: I’m trying not to clutter the homepage, so let’s post 2 in 1. (I’ll change it if that’s not allowed)
Hidden Feelings
“May I ask you something,” Sesshoumaru began, sipping his morning coffee. “How is she holding up?”
Kagome set down the toast she’d been munching on and her smile softened. “She says she’s alright, I know it’s just a front though. They were married for almost 10 years. I still remember the first time he asked her out in school. He was so nervous. Did you know they were high school sweethearts? Even prom king and queen, they were the real deal.”
“I had no idea.” Sesshoumaru seemed lost in thought, “Your sister is stronger than she looks. She will make it through this. Why aren’t you with her this season?”
Kagome shrugged. “She wanted to go home for Christmas, and I know you and Inuyasha weren’t close, but he was all you had.” Taking his hands in hers, she smiled. “You really do care, even if you don’t show it.”