Lead Me Not Into Temptation by Niftypaint24 [Puppy Love Challenge]

Dec 01, 2012 18:38

Title: Lead Me Not Into Temptation
Author: Niftypaint24
Prompt: Sit, Boy! (Dokuga_contest’s Puppy Love Challenge)
Genre: Humor
Rating: M
Warnings: Sexy talk (or at least Sesshomaru’s idea of it anyway)
Word Count: 340
Summary: Killing time in detention. [AU]
A/N: The seventh snippet of Feel That Fire

Sesshomaru folded his hands behind his head and leaned back in his seat.

“This blows,” he stated, staring at the wall.

“It’s only been fifteen minutes,” Kagome said with a laugh.

“What the hell are we supposed to do for another forty-five minutes?”

“Maybe read like she told us to?” Kagome suggested, pointing at her worn copy of To Kill a Mockingbird.

“Boring,” Sesshomaru yawned.

“It’s your fault we’re even here.”

Sesshomaru snorted. “My fault?”

“Yes,” Kagome said, looking up from her book. “You’re the one that instigated the whole thing.”

Sesshomaru gave her a grin. “You weren’t complaining at the time…or after come to think of it.”

“I’m just pointing out that it was you and your hormones that landed us here.”

“Speaking of hormones…” Sesshomaru trailed off as he turned to face her, resting one elbow on his desk.

Kagome sighed, turning in her chair to face him as well. “Seriously?”

“Just think about it; I could have you bent over the desk having my way with you right now.”

“Romantic,” Kagome said rolling her eyes. “No. Mrs. Miyamoto could come back any time.”

“You know the thought of getting caught makes you hot.”

“She’d call my parents for sure, and probably suspend us. My parents think I’m a good girl. They don’t need to know any different.”

Sesshomaru scoffed. “This coming from the girl who waltzed into the boy’s locker room Friday night?”

“My parents don’t know I did that. That’s the point.”

“You also drug me into your house and practically had me stripped before we
even got to your bedroom.”

“Yes, again, they don’t know about that. I made you park half a block away and crawl out my window when they got home, remember?”

“So...?” Sesshomaru asked, hopeful.

“No. I’m not having sex with you while we’re in detention. Sit at your desk and read your damn book like a good boy and maybe I’ll think about having sex with you afterwards.”

Sesshomaru laughed, but settled into his seat and flipped open his book.

-alternate universe, *puppy love challenge, -comedy, -hentai, niftypaint24

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