Teasing Jaken and a Smiling Sesshoumaru by Mai_Sensei [Drabble #144]

Jun 19, 2011 01:27

Title: Teasing Jaken and a Smiling Sesshoumaru
Author: Mai_Sensei
Prompt: Glance
Rating: PG
Genre: humor
Word Count: 100
Summary: As Kagome, Jaken, and Sesshoumaru get back on the road, Kagome discovers a new way to entertain herself.
A/N: This is the twenty-fifth installment for my story Forward to Time Past which can be found on Dokuga here.

"Cease your babble human or feel the wrath of--!"

"A toad who couldn't kill a gnat?" Kagome snorted. He made for good entertainment when bored, she discovered.

"Because of Sesshoumaru sama, I can kill hundreds within seconds!" Jaken shouted.

"Right," Kagome crossed her arms in a very Inuyasha-esque manner. "All they have to do is look at your face."

As Jaken sputtered, Kagome glanced at Sesshoumaru to see if he heard their banter.

There was a slight upwards tilt at the corner of his mouth.

Is he...smiling?

She blinked. His mouth was a flat line, like always.


-canon universe, mai_sensei, -comedy, =drabble, 2011 2q, =drabble #144 glance

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