Better late than never: 2007 resolutions

Jan 17, 2007 22:01

2006 was the year of the Bochie, with all our plans revolving around her naptime, her needs, and her moods. While I don't see 2007 as being too different, I'm resolving to also work on being a better wife, companion, and friend to Edvardian. I've sometimes thought that husbands don't appreciate the effort that wives put into preparing meals and keeping the house clean, but my new theory is that men simply don't care about those things as much as women do. Like the Bible story of Martha and Mary, guys just want someone (a Mary) to sit with them and listen, instead of a Martha or Bree van de Kamp-type bustling around the kitchen and ironing shirts.

Am I crazy or does this sound like a valid theory? Like all my great ideas, I dreamed this up at 1am :P

Another resolution is to lose 5 kilos. This evening when we were looking at a picture book:

Me: This is a cat. This is a dog. This is a piggy.
Annika (pointing at the pig): MAMA!

So I really really need to lose my pregnancy weight already. Oink!

bugga ♥, annika bea & mommy stuff

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