This could have been written by me

Jan 13, 2007 15:46

Some things I gotta let go. I have to! I'm careless about washing Violet's hands, careless about what she eats off the floor, not as vigilant with her diapers as I used to be, and so on. And the girl hasn't been sick but two days in a year! I stand by my practices. I am imperfect - and getting more comfy with it all the time.

In September Edward caught a bad flu and was burning up with a 39-degree fever. We were worried that Annika would get sick too, but she only got a cold. Two days after her first birthday, she got sick for the first time so we panicked and took her to the doctor, but it turns out a 38-degree fever and a cough are nothing. We're so lucky our baby is so healthy!

annika bea & mommy stuff

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