Looking on the bright side of life

Jul 03, 2008 09:43

We picked the right time to have our second baby. Annika's been very understanding - when I tell her Mamma's sick, she usually brings me her favorite books for us to read in bed. When I tell her Mamma has to sleep, she goes out of the bedroom to play with her Pappa or Faster, blowing me kisses while closing the bedroom door.

If you think I complain too much because I haven't been posting about anything else other than how crappy I feel - imagine how tired Edward and Eina are of my complaints. They get to enjoy them, and the sound of my gagging, every single wonderful day. :D But they've been completely patient and understanding.

They say the more nausea you have, the more pregnancy hormones there are coursing through your body, and miscarriage is less likely. *knock on wood*

And... this nausea has to end sometime right? If not in the next two months, after the baby is born. GAAAAH.

annika bea & mommy stuff

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