So I finally watched The Crimson Horror today, and though I already said this on tumblr, it bears repeating:
I want to love it. I want, with every fibre of my being, to say it was a fabulous episode. Because parts of it were great, but there are a couple things that sort of bugged the heck out of me. Namely:
Why does the Doctor have some kind of a weird boner for Jenny Flint? I mean, to say nothing of the fact that he’s aware that she’s a lesbian with a wife, that kiss at the beginning, and then that Sonic boner moment when she reveals her battle-catsuit felt so out of character for Eleven. Unlike his typical exuberant disregard for personal space that manifests itself in enthusiastic but decidedly platonic ways, this was a full on dip-and-smooch, which to me had visible echoes of that famous kiss we’ve all seen from V-J Day 1945, which it turns out wasn’t actually a couple but some random drunk sailor who grabbed this nurse and kissed her without her consent,
which she actually sounds like she was pretty upset by. (Unfortunate implications, show? I am disappoint, especially considering how much of a BAMF Jenny is. She don’t need to put up with your shit, show. If anybody should be directing sexual attention towards badass Jenny, it should be her equally badass wife. Yeesh.)
I don’t know if the above business was specifically down to Gatiss’ screenplay or Moffat’s guidance or a decision on the part of the director, but whoever’s idea it was, just
Did I zone out through some stuff, or did Clara not really get much to do in this episode, apart from that business with the chair and the little mystery-arc tack-on epilogue? This is less a monumental show-fail as a gripe of personal taste, but I felt like we could have somehow integrated more Clara in there.
BUT I liked the blind woman and even remember parts of the plot, so that’s a bonus, and I like Victorian things, and I like Strax because he’s quite adorable.
And I had to pause for feels at one point because THEY MENTIONED TEGAN. Which isn’t quite enough to make up for the egregious problem-stuff above. All in all… I want to love it, but I can’t unsee the things what made me grump.