I was rage-unfollowed on tumblr last night by someone who said I was policing their language by suggesting that while I mostly agreed with their sentiments, their argument was constantly worded in a way that others could rightly be upset by. See, the thing is that social justice is a GOOD thing, but I feel like a lot of people sat through the first week of Cultural Studies 101, got really angry about how oppressed they are, and forgot to stick around for, you know, a more rounded understanding of how not to be a whiny douchecanoe who cries "your argument is invalid because some invisible scale of oppression places me as 15% more queer than you are" or something, and this is usually where a comparison to Nazis comes in and I leave to make soup or listen to an audiobook. Social Justice of Tumblr, I'll continue to check my privilege, but I'd appreciate it if you checked your stupidity while we're at it.
I don't typically like getting into public debate online, but sometimes an argument is so prevalent and so annoying that I can't keep my opinions to myself. And even when I do, especially if I'm addressing someone directly, I keep it civil, and am very careful not to say anything that may come across as patronising or abusive. It's really fucking annoying the number of people who just react with "stop oppressing me!" at anyone who disagrees with them. It's pretty fucking immature.