Wait a minute

Apr 28, 2013 01:44

My mum, purveyor of panic, pointed out to me today, bless her, that there's the whole matter of money to consider when I move in just over two weeks.

Not as in, like, do I have money, obviously I do or I wouldn't be willing to risk a possible several months stuffing about with only my savings and any freelance income that I most definitely cannot count on at all (please feel free to tell your friends who might be in need of illustrators and/or voiceovers that I'm available, reliable, agreeable, and reasonable). But, my money's in Canada, and I'm going to need a UK bank account in order to take care of like rent and stuff. A deposit shouldn't be an issue, but does anybody UK-based know if most landlords ask for post-dated rent cheques in advance? I worry because I'm wondering how easy it will be to open a bank account before I have a fixed abode in Manchester. I mean, if worse comes to worst I guess I could just put down my address as the hotel I'm staying in while I look for a flat, but... Oh, I just don't want to end up living out of a hotel any longer than I have to, and if I'm caught in a banking catch-22... I don't want to haemorrhage money into that and waste time I could be spending getting settled in and looking for work. Harumph.

*is terrified*

In other news, boy have I ever made new teas! There's Dalek blend, Grace Holloway, Mike Yates, and Dodo Chaplet. And this coupon code is good for $5 first-time orders for about the next 16 hours, so: 9704003563

In other, other news, I dunno I'm going to go curl up and cry because I'm 99.8% sure I'm going to screw up this UK adventure horribly and end up having to come home within a month.

tea, sadbloggin'

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