I totally forgot to post some stuff

Sep 08, 2012 02:35

So here's an exciting new content dump to make up for it.

Episodes Four and Five!

image Click to view

This one's theme tune was composed by Ron Grainer.

image Click to view

This one is the last episode!

Also, art!

Carrot Juice?!
Sixie is just the best everything ever, okay? Gosh, I love him so much. I'd be overjoyed if when Eleven regenerates, he turns back into Colin Baker. JUST IMAGINE THE AWESOME

I'm sorry that I'm not sorry that I think Kamelion is kinda cute. Whoops.

Reverse The Polarity
I think Three looks like he gives really good hugs.

Precious Soldeed, inspired by this moment, in which Graeme and Lalla gloriously leave no scenery unchewed. How many Nimons have you seen today? Soldeed/Nimon OTP

sami kelsh eats toronto, food porn, doctor who, art

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