But she's feisty!

Sep 05, 2012 17:51

From this post:

“Fiesty” is just a word I notice people use when a female is allowed to speak out of turn occasionally, but maintains her sexual desirability.

Basically. And it's not like that's a bad thing, but if that's the word you've come up with to describe, like, all your principle females, isn't it bound to get a bit... same-ish? Why not a female character who doesn't fit into the same parameters we can use to describe all of Moffat's females so far (and if I were ambitious enough to do a Venn diagram, in spite of their differences, you'd still see more overlap than with characters previous to his run)? Why not get creative, give us something different, a new kind of interesting? Maybe a little depth, to boot?

wtf moffat, bitching and moaning, doctor who

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