Whoniverses list of story goodness for handy-dandy reference

Mar 01, 2020 12:29

Figured since I have one of these for the Boosh and Barleyverses, I should have one for Who stuff since I'm writing that too. So, here it be! Admittedly, the list is a little thin at the moment, but there will shortly be more, so allons-y!

The Winter Planet (One, Barbara, Ian, Susan, G, 778 words) Barbara and the gang and some trees.

Fab Gear (Jamie, Two, Polly, Ben, G, 614 words) Jamie's highland garb gets a modern update with the help of Polly and Ben.

Blanket Castle; or, The Uncaffeinated Ones (Two/Jamie, PG, 1553 words) Jamie sleeps in. Mayhem ensues.

The Blackpool Illuminations (Two/Jamie, R, 1772 words) Jamie and the Doctor have a little quiet time by the seaside. Mayhem ensues.

The Checkup (Ten, Jamie, implied Two/Jamie, PG, 511 words) Jamie's little hospital visit during The Invasion.

The Anniversary Present (Two/Jamie, Zoe, PG, 765 words) It's been a years since Jamie and the Doctor became Jamie and the Doctor, Zoe helps Jamie find the perfect gift.

The Terror of the Beard (Two/Jamie, PG-13, 1158 words) The Doctor grows a beard. Mayhem ensues.

The Unexpected Assistant (Three, Bessie, PG, 575 words) The Doctor's new assistant is curiously familiar.

Four-Leaf Clovers (Benton, Brig, some other people, PG, 1748 words) Benton makes a cup of coffee.

Planet Of Sweets (Benton, Yates, PG, 100 words) Cotton candy mountain.

Poor Little Greenie (Jo, Three, UNIT, PG, 594 words) Jo has a little too much to drink at the UNIT Christmas party.

Quiet Light (Jo, Delgado!Master, PG, 1522 words) Jo finds herself in the most uncomfortable prison cell in the galaxy, and with unexpected company to boot.

The Week-End (Three, Brig, PG-13, 4821 words) The Doctor takes Brig on a picnic.

Oh, Moon Of Alabama (Jo, Delgado!Master, PG, 129 words) Partners in crime in 1920s Berlin.

The Magic Of Friendship (Three, Brig, PG, 113 words) Three and the Brig in Equestria.

On This Harvest Moon (Benton, Yates, PG, 93 words) Vampires and werewolves.

Going Nowhere (Brig/Turlough, PG-13, 1887 words) Turlough grudgingly pretends at being a student, the Brigadier attempts to be a teacher, neither of them are particularly successful.

And Safety Shorts For Good Measure (Five, Nyssa, G, 467 words) Nyssa finally decides to retire her Trakenite velvet, and gets... creative.

An Uncommon Education (Five/Turlough, PG-13, 4017 words) Turlough has a lot of stuff to think about, and the Doctor has just put the kettle on for tea.

The Mysterious Twig (Five/Turlough, PG, 967 words) Turlough learns about another silly Earth tradition; feels ensue.

Blood On The Sawdust (Six, Peri, PG, 113 words) The wild west.

Eggs and Toast Soldiers (Evelyn Smythe, Eleven, Amy, Rory, PG, 1091 words) Evelyn meets Eleven.

The Return To Peladon (Seven, Ace, PG, 88 words) Only the best planet EVER.

Te A Teisen (Seven, Ace, G, 262 words) Seven, Ace, tea, and the prince of Wales.

It's Super Effective (Eleven, Jamie, PG, 82 words) Something to do with Pokemon, I guess.

alpha centauri, classic who, bessie, mike yates, jo grant, brigadier lethbridge-stewart, seven, jamie mccrimmon, ten, sergeant benton, six, fanfiction, peri brown, two/jamie, doctor who, ace mcshane, delgado!master, five, eleven, awesome things, i like lists, turlough, three

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