Fic: Fab Gear

Jan 01, 2013 02:25

Fab Gear
by me, doctorpancakes
Fandom: Doctor Who
Characters: Jamie McCrimmon, Polly Wright, Ben Jackson, Second Doctor
Rating: G
Word Count: 614
Warnings: cute
Author's Note: Tumblr user ticktoast asked for some Two/Jamie floof for Christmas, so ta-daa!

“Right, I’m just going to use this brush to smooth your fringe back into place, and… voilà!  Well, Jamie, what do you think?” Polly beamed at her handiwork, while Jamie resisted the urge to fluff his newly-styled hair out of shape.

“Oh aye, it’s very nice,” replied Jamie with a nod, still bewildered by all that had happened to him.  “What do you think?”

“I think you look smashing,” she said with a satisfied grin. “Doesn’t he, Ben?”

“Oh yeah,” Ben agreed, “brilliant, mate! Them turtlenecks, you know, they’re really with it.”

“With what?” asked Jamie.

“Never mind,” said Polly, admiring his new kilt. At times, Jamie felt as though they were barely speaking the same language. “In any case, it’s certainly an improvement on those grubby old clothes you had on before.”

“Oh, well, that’s certainly - hey!” protested Jamie. He was not sure what had been wrong with what he had been wearing before. They may not have been the finest or the most expensive garments, but they had served him well enough. Truth be told, though, if he were perfectly honest with himself, Jamie did not mind the attention, and Polly and Ben were always so kind to him, and so patient.

Jamie did not know how it was possible that he and his friends could travel to other times at all, let alone in nothing more than a wee blue box. Come to think of it, he thought, he did not know how it was possible that their wee blue box could travel as far as the other side of Inverness, but it seemed that the Doctor had a way of thumbing his nose at conventional physics that was as baffling as it was wondrous.

“Don’t worry, Jamie,” said Ben, elbowing him playfully, “with them smart new duds of yours, the ladies won’t be able to keep their hands off you. Ain’t that right, Duchess?”

“Oh yes, very handsome, Jamie,” she giggled.

“Oh, that’s all right, then,” nodded Jamie, puffing himself with pride. It was not as though he had never been the subject of the attentions of a handful of lovely lasses back home in his old clothes, but many things were different out in these lands of dreams and adventure they seemed to pass through. It seemed that seeing such places, and with such people, required an even greater openness to new experiences than Jamie would ever have thought possible. Mind you, he thought, if he were perfectly honest with himself - and it seemed he was being especially honest with himself that afternoon - there was really only one person he hoped would take an interest in just how with it he now looked. Whatever it was that he was with, he thought. It must have been something good.


If the direction that quaint recorder music was coming from was any indication (and it usually was), Jamie knew the Doctor was in the console room. He took a deep breath, smoothed the hem of his kilt, and strode confidently down the corridor.

“Ah, there you are, Jamie,” said the Doctor, returning his recorder to his seemingly endless pockets. “Now, we should be landing soon, so - oh. Well, I see Polly has helped you find something a bit more... modern to wear.”

“Aye,” said Jamie, “apparently it’s really, what’s the word Polly used? Fab. What do you think?”

The Doctor studied him thoughtfully. “Why Jamie, you look… wonderful,” he said softly, and Jamie thought he could see the faintest suggestion of a blush spreading across the Doctor’s cheeks.  Though perhaps, he mused, that was just wishful thinking.

ben jackson, polly wright, classic who, second doctor, fanfiction, two/jamie, doctor who, jamie mccrimmon, cuties

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