There’s this woman who is living in the Chicago Museum of Science and Industry for 30 days, meeting guests and famous people, hanging around, sleeping in the exhibits, and blogging about it all.
Honestly, if they generally let people live in a museum like a place of residence, I would move in in a flash. (Or in libraries.) SO much entertainment at your disposal; I wouldn’t even care about the people wandering around in it during the day. I worked in a science museum for 7 years, but I never stayed over. (Not to say I never slept there, but…)
There’s something terrifically exciting about having the whole place to yourself. I think that’s what’s getting to me the most about what this woman is doing. It is all sneaky-magical in the off hours. Peaceful. The dark walk down the halls to turn on the exhibits is almost too good to give up. I envy her.
Gross details ahead about my cats killing a mouse. Stop reading now if that bothers you.
Today I came home to find a murdered mouse laid out on display on the kitchen floor. See? The cats knew they heard something under the stove! They’d been in CONSTANT VIGILANCE there for the past two weeks. Dorian, who I’m sure was the one who dispatched it, was phenomenally proud of herself. In fact, I’d wondered why she meowy-owy-owed at me so loudly as I came in the door. She’s had her lips around one or two in the garden at my old place, but never to the death. But ew, it was a big one. And there were blood smears on the floor. I nudged the mouse into a bag and disinfected up the blood…which was smeared around quite far away from where the body was laying. I felt like an accomplice at helping them conceal this murder. I solve problems.
WM friends - get your pens and pencils ready and yourselves psyched up for the second annual Secret Santa fic/art exchange.
steals_thyme doesn’t really have the time to manage the project this year…but I do. I’ll probably post in the comms tomorrow. But please take part. Think on it.