Apr 19, 2009 22:08
Entry for Sunday, 19 April 2009
All Done. One day had a start-time of 0500(a.m.) with a break in the middle. It picked back up at 1530 and went until 2030 (3:30pm to 8:30pm). Other days were just work.
I did my 4 hours on the farm on Saturday with repairs to the barn, fencing and then firewood relocation (stacking). That work was fun and coincidentally FUN.
Daughter heads off to Crete Tuesday evening. We spent time over brunch and then later this evening getting things lined up for her. She still has a few more tasks to complete. She has 1.5 days to get them all done. Her friends wined her, fed her and then filled her with ice cream tonight. It was fun to watch friends saying goodbye so well and some real tenderness.
The music class today was one of the best. We had an Appalachian tune that has found its way into the New England Contra dance repertoire. The two instructors had similar and then occasionally divergent thoughts on how the tune is played and how chords are applied and to what purpose. Spouse nailed it on the first run through when called on to accompany the fiddler. I was suitably impressed and smiled for her success. She is VERY good at guitar.
My attempts at bass guitar are moving along. I told Spouse that I was just on the learning cusp as to where the notes were on the fret board. It is a big brain shift to look at the board and have to put my finger (literally) on the correct space between frets to get the right note to sing with the tune. It is a bunch of fun.
Lizzie was too engaged with skritches from friends to bother with the 4-mile hike. She missed out on a terrific walk through the hills. I'm understandably tired. I've been unable to get out as often as I had hoped because workdays have been running long.
The time spent in the chair seems to be going down while the understanding by all involved has been going up. The techs are working hard to get the correct information into the PACS and with their increasing competence, I have less administrative work to do and can devote more time to interpreting the studies. This has made it possible for me to leave before 7pm several days in a row (now if I can only cut back on the evening meetings/delays in leaving. I'll be a happier lad.)
That's about all from the hilltop. The mud has dried. The Good Ship 4x4 has been place din dry dock for the season. We have taken the limo license plate off and put back the farm license. It's ready for next year. For now it's back to hauling hay and beddings as opposed to people.
More later,
Grsde 5.2