On Vacation - Farm Chores First - Leftover Day Job Tasks Second

May 06, 2009 22:14

Entry for Wednesday, 6 May 2009

Smiles for me. I'm on vacation. I've had very few days off in the past five months. It is nice to be able to lie in bed at 0600 and know that I don't really have to stir for another HOUR!!! The dogs, on the other hand, have other ideas and felt obliged to remind me that even though Human didn't need to rise at 6, the doggie bladders are trained to complain at the afore mentioned hour and HUMAN BETTER GET OUT OF BED RIGHT NOW!

OWW - Put up two crits today. They were along the periphery of left-over day job obligations. It was a good exercise. I often forget all the skills that it takes to present a cogent thought in a piece of fiction. I am reminded that I didn't know how to punctuate dialog until - well - until I had to learn how and then fail badly. I have enjoyed the exercise of critically reading and then having to take the observations and turn them into suggestions. It's another skill I need to hone.

The woods-walks were wonderful. Abby is still in PT so she had to be on a leash for the whole 1.5 mile sojourn (except for the pond swimming). The 4.6 mile trek that followed kicked me. I'm out of shape. That, however, is going to change in the next few weeks.

WisCon is coming around in two weeks. I'm on the ConCom this year. Who'da guessed? Packet stuffing and AV this year. No Con Suite for me. I gained five pounds last year. I somehow avoided the intestinal bug that claimed many participants. I'm looking forward to the panels this year.

WiP is coming along nicely. I hope to finish the outline that came about from NaNoWriMo last November. Once I have that in hand, I'll be head-deep in revision.

More later,

authorship, oww, hiking

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