Update of a sort and another update I was waiting for and it finally came...

Jun 22, 2011 01:42

It was like Christmas, New Years and the Fourth of July all somehow rolled into one and I was the one who got the present.

freece  updated Captive Prince!

Finally, it took an unusually long time, but like usual, I didn't mind at all (I never do) because the update was just SO. DAMN. GOOD.

I know a lot of people don't like reading out of their fandoms and I don't usually, but if I've said this a lot, it's only because I really, truly and honestly believe it:

This is probably the best single fic I've ever read.  No Smallville, no Worlds Finest, no Superatural, or whatever else I've read even comes close.

It's spare, almost to being elegant in its economy of words.  There is just not a a single extraneous thing said like ever.  The characterizations are top notch, I've read pro-novels that weren't anywhere close to this good in that regard.

And yeah: It's a WIP.  A very long and involved one at that... The situation is complex and may not be your cup of tea, but how the story unfolds and pulls you in I don't think I even really noticed any info-dump sort of exposition. There is action, sex, violence, hurt-comfort (yeah, tons of that), true affection, betrayal, and unresolved sexual tension (even more of that) of such epic proportions that I can't think of a single fic that comes close.

Best part of this latest update was that it paid off a few things in a HUGE way.  It's brilliant.

It actually didn't unfold the way I thought it would, but her updates never do so I've stopped trying to guess what was going to happen next.  It's a trite idea, if you look at just the face of it, but man.... her writing is anything but.  I never know where she's taking her characters exactly.  The two men started worlds apart, even hated each other so much they wanted to kill each other at the beginning. Yet, she has believably made the budding romance work so that it's believable they have grown to care about each other, even if they won't really admit it to themselves.

Read this.  You won't be sorry.

This song came up on my playlist and I have to say as the story goes on it reminds more and more of Damen and Laurent...

Vast - Take Me With You.

And writing:

Yeah, I've been working on a couple or three things.  A couple of screenplays which I won't widely share, but a World's Finest which I will eventually.

Does anyone on my f-list remember that I used to write fic?  (Although, I know it's been a good while since I produced any...)  I hope I won't be sorry I mentioned it here, but I've only posted one World's Finest, though lately I've read that almost exclusively, so I would like to post this one eventually...

*crosses fingers*

captive prince, writing, reading rec

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