Captive Prince

Mar 04, 2011 23:38

I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again:

I don't care what your fandoms are, you will LOVE Captive Prince.

The latest chapter was the most awesomeness piece of awesome since the word was first used.

Trust me.

You won't regret reading freece 's amazing work.

If you still don't believe me, even after the multiple times I've posted testimonials like this, try just the first three chapters, the Prologue, Chapter One and Chapter Two, then see how things go.

If you can read those and not want to know how the story turns out, you are a stronger person than me.

I know most people don't want to start a long WIP, and this one was started almost three years ago, but the beauty of this story, the intricacies of the language, plot and dialogue all make waiting for the next chapter completely worth it.

I say again, you won't regret reading this wonderful story.

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