Sparking Ideas...

Dec 13, 2012 13:19

It's been a long time since my last post! In fact, it sort of feels like a lifetime, so much has happened. Since June, DK has

-taken The Landmark Forum
-moved out to live on her own (well, out to live with an awesome roommate)
-lost 13 lbs. because of braces and less eating out (I cook now! And it's amazing. The weight loss was a little freaky as I never expected to fall under my college weight ever again, but I don't let myself go hungry anymore so this is fine.)
-hit a (parked) car
-made solid steps to go to South Korea in 2013: when you've spent $1000 for a TESOL course, you know it's going to happen
-decided she wanted a love life after all
-didn't hate her family
-sliced her finger on a mandoline
-spontaneously went to watch THE HOBBIT in 3D before everyone else
-learned a FUCKTON about life
-smiled more

And perhaps I'll tell you more about that some day. Today, I wanted to share a few things from around the web that delighted me, inspired me, and made me think deeply.

-Lifehacker: A compendium of all the little things you could do to make your life just a little easier. I think this is how we found out how to clean your house with just baking soda + vinegar, pretty much. Lifehacker also helped me find...

-Paging Dr. NerdLove: If you're like me and came late to the dating scene or are just super confused about boys/girls/both, this is not a bad place to get yourself started and psyched. He's got tons of great ideas (from where to get dates to where to go on dates) and stories of other people's trials and tribulations that you won't feel so alone in the horror show of your own love life. Dr. NerdLove (not a real doctor) also led me to which is another site full of great ideas for socially awkward people trying to learn to be less socially awkward.

-Barking Up the Wrong Tree: A lot of the fun tips and advice on this site are compatible with The Landmark Forum and backed up with science. Try: the power of stories and the illusion of progress in motivating you. Ladies, wear red and makeup, especially eye makeup.

-The Thought Catalog: I like their articles on people going through their 20s as it gives my life perspective. Try, 25 Things I've Learned in my 20s.

-Hope from Nope: After getting rejected by an investor, this Texas businessman decides to deal with the disappointment by going a 100 days looking for rejection. It's harder than it sounds.

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And it's unbelievably awe-inspiring.

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