Jan 21, 2009 16:21
HIMYM: Three Days of Snow
It hasn't snowed here recently (thank goodness!) but it's been crazy foggy for the last few days, and the temperature is hovering around freezing, so that if it were to rain, it would probably come down as snow.
Anyway, I knew this episode would take a major step back from the brOTP build up, and the episode pretty much acted like nothing happened in that department last time. Barney and Robin didn't even interact in this episode, and the only vaguely shippy thing was Robin discussing what relationships would look like with her (ie, not Lily-Marshall-looking).
But I love how HIMYM is able to keep creating these storylines for Lily and Marshall. Marriage is usually the end of the story (do you think we'll get to a wedding with Ted eventually?) Lily and Marshall are acting dynamically beyond that.
We started watching this over the weekend. It is so good! It's a travesty that it was cancelled. We were thrown off by the fact that the episodes don't have numbers, so we've been watching them out of order. >_< But the Reavers' episode (where the gang happens upon a seemingly abandoned ship finds some guy going crazy... I liked the meeting of "civilized" and "uncivilized" in that story, with the gang in between them) creeped me out. Otherwise, the episodes have been deliciously funny, and a crazed fusion of East and West (dong ma? They're saying their Chinese wrong, but they don't have to. It just makes it harder to understand. Also, I don't really know any swear words in Chinese).
Korean Hana Yori Dango
Japanese Hana Yori Dango was the first Asian drama I ever watched, so it started that mania. I was curious what the Korean version would have (the story comes in three forms, it gets exhausting) and ended up staying up late watching four episodes. Jan Di drives me nuts with her weird faces and constant shouting, but I think the boys and I will get along well. Joon Pyo is slightly better than Tsukasa, Rui wins hands down over his Korean counterpart, and Korean Sojiro is basically the best. Both Akiras remain chronically underdeveloped, but I'll take the Japanese one because he speaks Chinese. ;) And the Korean Akira, plus some of the other Korean characters, speak English to make themselves look cool. Guh. I have no beef against them speaking English, but speaking English to show off is just stupid.