Sweet Charity Auction

Mar 15, 2007 06:55

The Sweet Charity Auction is now open!

Here's your chance to get yourself that story or vid you've always wanted, or to have custom-designed artwork for your LJ, in just about any fandom you'd care to name! And for a good cause and a great charity, too! There are over 150 writers, artists, & vidders up for auction this year, the largest amount ever, and there are a lot of top-quality people offering their goods to the auctioning public, so hop over and bid.

BTW, I've offered myself for one story and one vid, so if you're interested, buy me!

EDIT - My auction details:
1 Vid - any of the fandoms I have vidded in plus Stargate SG-1, except for X-File - I did 4 vids for last year's auction for the wonderful and generous Callisto, but it burned me out a bit on XF. Any song, any theme, slash pairings or character or team. See current vids at either my video or Imeem site (under the Links box)

1 Story - slash or pre-slash story 2500+ long in any of the fandoms I've written anything in (which you can check out on my site - link under Links). Will negotiate following: 1) a prompt provided by you, 2) an AU, 3) reworking of a movie or book, or 4) a story set in any of my story universes (Miscon, Lacy Things, Tales of the Jungle, Chains, etc.) If you've read my stuff, you know pretty much what I will and won't write, my preferred pairings, etc.

Questions? Ask below!

Edit 2: Charity Info
RAINN (the Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) is the nation's largest anti-sexual assault organization. RAINN operates the National Sexual Assault Hotline and carries out programs to prevent sexual assault, help victims and ensure that rapists are brought to justice. It has been ranked as one of "America's 100 Best Charities".
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