(no subject)

Mar 06, 2007 15:56

gakked from barkley and killabeez, a vidding meme:

Post a list of your top five favorite vids you've made, regardless of fandom or the reason you love them. This isn't about the BEST things you've made, but what you LOVE most.

1. "Your Mistake" - Sherlock Holmes - I think this is the vid that I am most proud of, one of the few where I don't bash myself for missing a beat here or using a weird clip there. It's also one of the few that I am not heartily sick of seeing again and again. The emotions behind the song still get to me (and oh! I miss Jeremy Brett so much). What is nice, it's the one I've gotten the most positive feedback on.

2. "You're My Home" - Quantum Leap - this was one of the earlier vids I made, the first and best QL vid I've made, and I love the way it turned out. It's also the one with the crappiest sound and video source, back from my tape days. I have plans to remake this as I acquire more QL source on DVD.

3. "This Kiss" - Sentinel - this is a cheesy song and a cheesy video, but it makes me grin and that's all that really matters, right? I still snicker at the "Cinderella said to Snow White" bit. Not as bad source as the QL one except for the blooper reel bits (tape, again), and I would like to remake it as well.

4. "Beer Beer Beer" - SG-Atlantis - because it was a hoot to make, it was only 1 minute long, and it's one of my recent ones so it hasn't had time to go flat on me. Plus I got to demonstrate my art techniques! (what do you mean, what technique?)

5. "You Can Leave Your Hat On" - Multi - because it was the first, and it was done with a computer program I was just learning with taped source from a million shows and movies, took me nearly a year to do, and hooked me forever. Plus - naked Ewan and lots of pretty pretty guys stripping and strutting. How can you lose?

music vids, meme

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