pre-shoot jitters

Mar 30, 2009 23:09

I have a shoot on Wednesday and for the first time, really, ever, I have pre-shoot jitters. I'm so fracking stressed about this shoot, for good and understandable reasons.
So one of my fave models calls me up and says "hey, I'm competing in an online modeling competition for shits and giggles, will you do my pictures?"
to this I say, "sure"
I then receive an e-mail from him with the guidelines and prompts for the first two challenges.
The challenges sound like fun and I'll recap them after I shoot. More importantly are the guidelines: NO POSTPROCESSING OF ANY KIND!!!!!!!!
No tone, density or white balance adjustments of any kind. NONE. I can resize, rotate and crop. That's it.
To be honest this is really what I need. I know I can do it, I just don't like to think about the pre-production so much. And I haven't done this in a while, a long while. But I'm also really picky when it comes to my images, I know what I like and I know what I want the images to look like.
So I'm having Keith pull my black crush-velvet back drop out of storage, just so that I know that my backgrounds are all the way black. I have all the props and equipment I need, and a private place to shoot. For equipment I'll be using custom WB and an off camera meter to fix my exposure settings. I have my trusty 5D and my 85EF, I might even break out the tripod just to ensure I get the crop that I want. For this challenge we're cutting it really close to the wire, the photos have to go in the same night as the shoot, so if I can get away with just picking out the 5 best and uploading them I'm happy with that.
Once they're accepted by the judges I'll post them here, with the PP I would have done, were I allowed. Anyway, just venting, I'll let you all know how it goes.

keith, photo, gaia

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