
Mar 15, 2009 10:42

was different, in a VERY good way.

We had guild workday (read: powerwashing pavilions and organizing boxes) and I had a blast!
Literally, Jake (aka Vulcan) has a new GAS forge for Christmas . . . he let me play with it! ****squee**** my arms hurt like bitches, but I got to hammer iron into rings, it's more fun than it sounds I assure you. I told Jake that I want to do more iron work, it's a great workout that actually accomplishes something! He said I could come up next month to do some more, and he's thinking about having a workshop so that everyone in the guild who wants to learn, can.
I LOVE JAKE!!!!!!!

After workshop I went home, cleaned up Baby Chris (Jake and his wife Joanne live in the foothills, baby was a mess) and got set up for shooting Hugh the Irishman at Sequoia Brewery that night.
Three hours and four gigs later I have some awesome stuff to work on. But more on that in a later post. When I got to the place I got set up, had someone try to hire me to shoot their wedding (I told her no) and then I noticed my best friend, Q.
At 8pm he was already drunk, now, Q is an alcoholic, but he normally holds off getting really fucked up. But last night his whore of an ex showed up and made a point of being unusually happy, and he got unusually drunk. So drunk in fact that he fertilized a potted plant, I have only seen him this drunk on a handful of occasions, a small handful.
Now, one of Q's best friends, Jester, says he's going to get Q home, and I watch them go. When out of the blue the jackass bitch that Jester had a kid with goes ballistic and says she's going to drive because they're in her car. Needless to say I'm pretty fucking far from happy about this, as she's also giving a ride to the bitch of a whore that hurt Q in the first place. Not to mention that she's a raging evil bitch in her own right and Q can't stand her.
So I get my girlfriend Chris to her me drag him out of her car and into mine, and we take him home. We have to wake up his mom to get him into the house, but we get him home.

what a night. . .but I had a good time. mostly.

pub, photo, drinking

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