Ok, so that photoshoot I was all nervous about....

Apr 05, 2009 10:49

Actually went better than I thought. Keith was with me, and as you know we've been having fights about photography styles and priorities when shooting. I gave ground on a minor issue, I used (for the first time) an exposure/ white balance card, and it helped more than I expected. Keith was awesome about not trying to take over, letting me shoot the way that I shoot and he never mentioned the fact that I wasn't using strobes. (except when we ran out of extension cords, but I didn't put them on the list so I deserved that)
The shoot itself was part of a competition on Gaia, called Gaia's Next Top Model. The competitors are all really cool, and my friend Tyler asked me to shoot him for it. The judges give the competitors prompts or challenges and it is up to the competitor to get their pictures in and done. And as I mentioned before there is no post processing allowed. I actually went further by doing all my cropping in camera, so all the pictures below are straight out of the camera. (yikes)

The first Challenge was "Shakespeare". The competitors had to portray a character from one of his plays, in costume or modern, accurately. Now; I do Ren Faire. Can you see where this is going? There was no hunting for props, no frantic "how and I going to do this?". We jumped in the car and picked up a few things from other guild members and had ourselves a shoot.
As far as a subject goes Tyler suggested MacBeth, and I wholeheartedly agreed. So I got us a sword and chainmail and Tyler got the fake blood, and he posed as MacDuff after the beheading of MacBeth. Tyler's goal was to portray the range of emotions that MacDuff would have gone through, from shock and disbelief to acceptance and justification.
Below I have them as they were handed in, I retouched my fave to show what I would have liked to have done to them all, but I don't have time to do them, too much other stuff to post process. I'll get to them at some point, I hope, I really like them.
I have also put all the photos behind the cut to keep my impact on your pages to a minimum.

The second challenge was less awesome, and I'm actually really worried about it, I'm not sure how well he'll do against the other competitors. The challenge was "Posing". Tyler is amazing to shoot, if you give him a character to portray. Of the shoots we've done together he's never been himself, he's been Kaji, a Serial Killer, MacDuff, among other things. He was totally off his game for this shoot, and it shows. This will undoubtedly be the hardest shoot for him in the whole competition. I just hope he stays in. Anyway, I've put those below the next cut.

Please tell me what you think. Both of the originals and of the post processing, I am very interested to hear if you think I'm over doing it, or if it's not enough.

tyler, photo, gaia

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