...as the brush fires lay waste...

May 06, 2006 00:55

...they tell me that in a month, it will be the wet season when it rains for days at a time.

Smelled smoke in the air last night, but we're over the river on an island, to it's not likely it will reach here - that, and the wetlands (aka swamp) all around us.

Coming back on Tuesday. It's been another interesting trip, and it's been strange to realize that I have what feel like nephews...and they're talented and smart kids. My new "family" is comprised of very talented, smart, and amazingly giving, caring and trusting people.

One of the big "lump in my throat" moments: I told Terre (the wife, who did most of the work in finding me on the internet) "you welcomed me into your house without even knowing who I am..." and she said "as soon as we saw you, we KNEW you were Warren's daughter." Warren, my dad, had known them 18 years. It's almost like they've picked up with me where they left off with him, and it feels like we've been friends a long time.

I'm beginning to realize that despite the traumatic things that have happened, I'm a lucky woman to have these friends in my life in all the different places they turn up.

Now all I have to do is keep reminding myself of that and keep patient. Things move slowly in this, and it's probably best - I'm taking the hits as they come, and absorbing them pretty well,but I definitely needed to do it like this - in steps. It's still not easy, but I'm getting used to dealing with it better.

Tomorrow I walk in the water at the beach and try not to get burned by the evil orb that is the sun down here.

Oh yeah: This was NO surprise. LOL

I am 69% Raver.

I may not be freaky like those Candy Kids, but I do know how to party. I am well connected in the scene, but may be getting a little tired of it.
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acceptance, family/friends, florida, grief

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