Notes from a 24-plus-hour period.

Dec 13, 2007 20:14

My gay-dar is totally broken.  I knew this for a long time, but said knowledge has been reinforced by recent events.

I have awesome friends.  They are fun, caring, silly, and altogether stellar people.  Even the crazy ones.  Which one?  Oh yeah, all of them. Me being the number-one crazy in the bunch (and I will defend that title against all comers).

Brian Ellis is the Champion of Champions for this year.  Both he and
insafemode are the bees' knees of the "Poetry Slam at the Cantab Lounge (tm)" IMHO.  I like having the slam be the feature as it gives us (aka 'the working girls') time to chatter about afterward.  Since I'm usually busy during the time before the end, this is my time to talk with friends, and I really enjoy that time.

Apologies to Chad for not getting his feature CD done before last night when he dragged himself out there after what appeared to be a long day/week.  However, I will say I was exceedingly glad to see and talk to him and give him a hug or three.  His CD is now done and I'm going to have the other CD he wanted done to give to him shortly.  Thank you for your patience and always wonderful conversation and company.

Got my ski boots.  They're ridiculously too tight around my calves.  This is what I get for a) ordering womens' boots b) online.  Tomorrow I'm heading over to Framingham to look at a few models of boots on sale and see if I like them and if they fit.  I can't help it that ski boots terminate at what is the largest part of my calf given my particular stature (read: short).  It makes buying ski boots challenging to make sure they fit both my calves (large) and my feet/ankles (normal for a woman).  The rental boots I had were probably mens' (since they're all the same model) and they fit fairly well for a whole afternoon/evening, so I should find something I like tomorrow.  I'd love to go ski tomorrow, but I'm going to hold out until I get my ski boards on Monday.

Freestyle Fridays (aka Bobby's Rap Battle: the Return) is tomorrow evening, and I should be done early enough to get something else going on tomorrow night that actually involves being social (cross fingers).

I got to see the whole storm from my front window.  At a bit after 12 noon, I saw the first flakes coming down.   I got the last of the PA and gear out of my car and got the recycle bins back on the porch.  By 12:20, it was coming down steadily.  By 1:30 I did my first pass with the shovel and there was substantial accumulation.   About a half hour or so ago, I did another round of shoveling, and Shiva convinced the dogs to go hauling ass down the street until I called them back.  Kittin and Mikey came back when I chased a bit, and then Shiva (aka the instigator) followed after, very disgusted with her lame accomplices.  Snow was taller than Kittin at this point, which made her travels through the undisturbed snow a lot of fun to watch.  We're all safely back in the house now.

I spent some time on the side porch (not very sunny on the sun porch today) watching snow and Miss Kittin following the path of a squirrel hustling through the evergreens in the side yard.  There's something magical about seeing a dog watch something it wants to chase - it reminds me of the pleasure in really simple things.

Other things I enjoyed today - making progress on the backlog of shows that need to be processed and burned to CD, catching up on my file archiving and storage management, having a lovely afternoon, contemplating the prospect of having an interest in life's pleasures that I've missed.

Once again, I realize how adept I am at suppressing emotions and denying myself pleasures needlessly.  That's something else I look forward to exploring and changing as I continue to heal.  This is a good thing.

cantab, healing, snow, emotion

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