There's too much banging around my brain.

Dec 10, 2007 12:13

  I'm going to have to actually sit down and write on all these things I've got rattling about up there in my brain.  You see, I'm not good at writing on the computer when it comes to poetry - I'm too fast with the keys, and I need to make things come out more slowly, more considered.  Part of what really drives this is that I'll have to look at something I stashed away like the radioactive material it's becoming - all these thoughts are proving that true.  So it's time to get out the journals and pen and sit down for a good while this afternoon - icy, nasty weather is definitely conducive to this pursuit.

Last night I woke up and couldn't get back to sleep for a while.  This usually happens around the time it's getting light and I'm debating getting up or giving in to the tired body and continuing to try for sleep.  Sleep usually wins.

coping, emotion, conflict, poetry

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