Fandom review 2021

Jan 09, 2022 19:13

So, we thought 2020 was bad, then 2021 stepped up to the plate. In some ways it was a little better than 2020, and in other ways it was profoundly worse.

The Supernatural fandom, and fandom in general was dealt an irretrievable blow in April 2021 when we lost jj1564.  The enthusiasm, friendship and joy that she brought to the fandom and to her friends is sorely missed and will never be forgotten.

But this post is not here to dwell on the negatives, I’m only going to focus on the fandom positives of the year. So, here goes…

This year, I managed to write 34,609 fandom words which was significantly more than last year. Last year’s word count (27,609) was quite low because of the studying I was doing early in 2020.  This year’s total includes words that I wrote for the Friday Five which I wasn’t doing in 2020, but I think they totally count as fandom words, so I’m taking that as a little win!

So, without further ado, here are the fics that made up most of those words:


A love letter to Baby written for Snowflake challenge

Mom Wheels written for the Baby Birthday Project 2021

Spring Fic Exchange on spn_bigpretzel: Naked Truth for theymp art by emmatheslayer

No strings Attached for meazrael_64's birthday

Bareback Mountain written for the Big Splat Challenge on spn_bigpretzel

Donut-Gasm written for the Big Splat Challenge on spn_bigpretzel

Thursday’s Child written for Summergen 2021

Christmas Spirit written for theymp in Crowley’s Christmas Fic Exchange on spn_bigpretzel


I did manage to write 58 drabbles for the two drabble challenges that I take part in.  I'm not going to list them all, but you can find them all HERE

Artsy Fartsy Stuff


spn_bigpretzel 12 Days of Christmas illustrated drabble

spn_bigpretzel 12 Days of Christmas collage

Happy Birthday Dean Winchester

Jensen collage

Happy Birthday malefantasy

Happy birthday sandy79

Happy Easter

New Banner for spn_bigpretzel

New Banner for spn_on_parade

Banner for spn_bigpretzel Spring Fic Exchange

Art for spn_bigpretzel Spring Fic Exchange.
Hearts in the Empty by kingstoken

Our Batman

Happy Birthday sasha_dragon

Happy Birthday amberdreams

Happy Birthday julchen11

Remembering jj1564 on her birthday

Happy Birthday kattrip033

Banners for Big Splat on spn_bigpretzel

Happy Birthday Sam

Big Splat Artwork for the Itch by yohkobennington

Big Splat Artwork for A Smurfy Day for an Adventure by

Reversebang - Au Naturel by ellerkay

Reversebang - Heaven on his Mind by butterflyslinky

Banner for Crowley’s Christmas Fic Exchange on spn_bigpretzel

Seasons Greetings

Happy New Year

Pastel Art - Supernatural

Billie Fanart

Mary Winchester Fan Art

Jack Fanart

Not Supernatural

Mr Sulu Portrait


I added to my collection of picspams of our lovely Jensen and his partners in crime this year, and you can find all my picspams HERE


I had four conventions planned for 2020 which were all postponed to 2021 several times.  But joy of joys, Crossroads 4 actually went ahead in September in the UK this year (the other three have been carried over to 2022).   I also managed to get to London Film and Comic Con in November, and my pics and
ramblings are below.

Crossroads con

London Comic con


I participated in a mini one-day GISH in May 2021 and the main full-week GISH in August.  Much fun and silliness was had as you can see below!

May Gish

August Gish

Other stuff

spn_bigpretzel is now in its 10th year and still going strong.  Following the sad loss of jj1564, theymp and candygramme joined me as mods of the community and I am indebted to their help.  This year, the comm said farewell to its longstanding challenge, the Spring Fic Exchange, but hello to a fantastic fresh and fun new challenge, the Big Splat!

spn_on_parade was the brainchild of jj1564 and although it is no longer overly active, the community will continue to run as her legacy; a tribute  to her wonderful vision of putting the fun in Funko.

I was thrilled to be able to take part once again in spn_summergen as an author, and enjoy some great collaborations in spn_reversebang as
an artist.

And finally, I continued running the weekly Drabble challenge alongside the lovely vansgroi

To round off the year, a delightful afternoon was had in London when a group of us got together for the annual Christmas Hunter Girls gathering, which we missed so much last year.  We were joined by jj1564's son, Sam and her Sister, Brenda, just to make a special event just a little bit more special!

The Huntergirls are back in business

So, that was 2021.  It had one job, just one.  Be better than 2020. Whether or not it achieved that is open to debate, but I’m here and now handing a challenge to 2022.  Be better than the last two years.  Please!

Stay safe everyone, love you all!

little plastic people, fandom, facts about me, fan art, fan fiction, fandom friends, gishwhes, spn-bigpretzel

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