Reversebang Art Masterpost: Heaven on his Mind

Nov 25, 2021 18:00

Art masterpost for spn_reversebang
Art Title: Heavenly Dreamscape
Prompt No.: S2011
Artist: dizzojay
Fic Title: Heaven on his Mind
Fic Link: AO3
Author: butterflyslinky

This has been another great spn_reversebang collaboration.  Thank you butterflyslinky for being an awesome Reversebang partner.

Original artwork:

I turned the original artwork into a title banner.
I decided to make blue the signature theme throughout the artwork, as blue is a colour closely associated with the sky and the heavens

Additional illustration.  I replicated the title banner's blue theme to showcase castiel's eyes.

I also produced a pair of chapter dividers to continue the 'heavenly' theme with cosmic scenes such as planets and nebulas, and continued the blue theme through them

reversebang, supernatural, dean winchester, fan art, castiel, sam winchester

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