of what to do and not to do XD

Dec 09, 2009 14:16

Ugh, so November was kinda a transitional month from me being depressed in October and getting through all the Government stuff so I could have Healthy San Francisco insurance and a bit of money. Because I was kinda out of it, and waiting what like three months for my payment on a webdesign I did, I missed a credit card payment and they like freaked out, giving me all these insane charges. Finally with the new month and half the money owed to me (still pending in the bank tho boo) and getting some cash, went to go pay it and one of my mom's bills off. =/ I was kinda hoping I'd have enough to get a netbook in the next few days at bestbuy but might have to wait till next week. Only want it now cause it's soo cold in this house, I wanna still be online but in bed surrounded by blankets lol. Can't turn the heater on too high cause the electricity will go out. *sigh* Anyhoo, with the advent of my oldest brother coming back to live with us temporarily (as his woman went back on drugs and disappeared again w/ their money), realized there needs to be major cleaning done today. And organization. But I'm a big procrastinator so gonna try to do it in increments. XD

  • 2-3 PM: general room cleaning (bed, table, maybe vacuum)
  • 3-4 PM: Alice Art, and if done early, work on K/B Advent Fic, haha no where close to finishing Alice Art
  • 4-5 PM: Desk Cleaning, Under Table cleaning, box away unneeded books no where near done
  • 5-5.45 PM: Catch up on flist as much as possible (up to 61 tabs currently)
  • 5.45-7 PMish: Food Shopping with Mom, maybe scope out the current Best Buy netbook deals
  • 7-8 PM: SnuSa reading, more flist catching up
  • 8-9 PM: Kirk art or K/B Advent Fic

Let's see how well I keep to it XD

personal: family, personal: to-do, personal: daily, !personal

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