Various Star Trek Drabbles Part Five

Dec 16, 2009 21:02

I didn't get to drabble too much in the latest session @ bridge2sickbay due to a block wide power outage, but did manage a few. =D The last one wasn't actually posted there cause the original got lost to said power outage and only just finished a rewrite of it. This past week's theme was picture based so I'll just be linking to the url of said pics.

Prompt: AC - "Plate of Cookies"
Rating: G
(Kirk/Bones, Joanna)

Leonard sometimes hated being a doctor through and through as it meant  he was one even while on vacation. But the local doctor was already on  call somewhere else, and really, he was right there, so why not take  care of it? Even if it meant he'd have left Jim and Joanna alone for a  few hours back home. That really shouldn't have made him nervous at  all.

Still, when he finally came home, he was surprised to see the house  intact and no loud noises emanating either. Then again it was later  than he claimed he'd be home. He was first drawn towards the kitchen  where there were faint smells of baking, and here he wasn't surprised  at all to see the entire room in disarray. Leonard sighed and went in  search of the two, finally finding them in the living room fast asleep  with a book in Jim's lap.

He grabbed a throw and placed it on them both, smiling to himself. He  settled into the chair next to them, not wanting to wake Jim up yet  and just enjoying the moment. He looked around the room and finally  noticed the plate of freshly baked cookies. They weren't gingerbread  as both Jim and Joanna were allergic but they still were shaped as  people. Leonard chuckled at their frosty decoration, clearly the two  taller ones were of him and Jim, nearly cuddling, with little Jo  playing with a puppy shaped cookie.

Leonard felt his hand being taken and turned to see a sleepy Jim  smiling at him, entwining their fingers together. It was a good  Christmas Eve.

Prompt: George, AC - "You, Me, and the Sea"
Rating: PG

If there was one thing that George loved more than space, Winona  mused, it was the sea. They were on their third date, taking advantage  of a real summer day in San Francisco. Winona had found this secluded  area of the beach a few months ago when she'd been hiking with  friends. It wasn't very big, and getting there wasn't very family  friendly, so she's never seen more than one or two other people on it.

Today, she was lucky and it was just the two of them. George's face  lit up as soon as they broke through the thicket of trees. Leaving a  trail of beach items (the umbrella, the picnic basket, their towels,  his sandals) in his wake as he practically dove into the sea.

Winona laughed as she took her time to pick everything up and make a  proper resting spot on the beach. She wasn't ready to go into the  water yet, knowing they had all morning to enjoy the waves. George  kept on shouting for her to come in and laughing as waves struck his  back while seagulls flew away from the crazy energy that he was.

She finally was able to draw him out when she removed her hiking  clothes to reveal her new swimsuit, and leisurely began applying  sunblock. A few minutes later he flopped down beside her, asking if  she needed any help. She giggled and refused, saying he was too wet to  be of any good. But she took pleasure in the way his gaze would follow  her hands as she rubbed the lotion in.

By the time she was done, she noticed he was nearly dry, and was  giving her such a sultry look she couldn't resist. She quickly  straddled him and began lifting up his shirt, stating that he too  would need lotion. She laughed at his stunned expression, and wriggled  her bottom to tease him a bit more. He growled and she knew, just  then, that today would be a perfect day.

Prompt: Kirk, AC - Slytherin Style
Rating: NC-17
(Kirk/Snape XD)

After two weeks of yet another "transporter mishap," Kirk finally was  beginning to enjoy himself. He knew that sooner or later, he'll be  found by Spock or Scotty and everything would right itself again, but  there was so much to learn to even fit in. And while he didn't exactly  achieve that, he was able to find a place to set up base.

Too bad it was in the dungeons of a magical castle, being a very sour  man's assistant. In potions of all things. Thankfully, he was always  good in chemistry. He had tried being the assistant to the Astronomy  teacher but it's always bad to outshine your superiors, especially  when they can use magic against you.

Luckily, Kirk was used to dealing with snarky, pessimistic men and  could easily get under this Snape's skin, but not enough to get hexed  at. Kirk mused one night that he had to have a thing for tall brooding  men who had an accent and a wicked tongue. Sure, Snape wasn't exactly  a looker like his Bones, but there were definitely good features. The  one thing the did have in common, though was those deft fingers.

Kirk groaned as he was pushed against the wall, Snape's hand down his  pants and fingers curling around his cock. He jerked him a few times  before whispering a spell where they were suddenly divested of their  clothes.

"Now that's a nice magic trick," commented Kirk, grinning as he riled  Snape more. He then looked down and was pleasantly surprised to see  that his fingers weren't the only parts of his body that was long.

"You haven't seen anything yet, boy. Turn around and present your arse  to me."

Kirk tried not to shiver at the commanding tone of his voice as he  turned around. He couldn't help but to wriggle his "arse," expecting  to feel Snape's fingers preparing him. Instead, he heard yet another  spell and suddenly felt widened and lubed. He gasped.

"Oh, my god..." It was a sensation unlike anything else, and somehow  made him harden more. He didn't sense Snape's presence until he felt  the other man's breath against his ear and heard a low chuckle.

Wordlessly, Snape entered in one full thrust. Kirk gasped, relishing  how deep he went. "If I had known that this could shut you up, Kirk, I  might have done this in the beginning," Snape drawled before biting  the juncture between Kirk's neck and shoulder.

Kirk bucked against him, a retort dying on his lips as hands steadied  his hips and Snape's pace began to go relentlessly fast. He wanted  those hands, those fingers wrapped around him again, jerking him, but  words were simply failing. He kept making whimpering noises that no  Captain should ever have to make until finally his cock was touched  and stroked.

Snape timed it so that they both got off within seconds of each other.  After a few moments of recovery, he pulled away and once again  magicked them both clean. "For a muggle, that was, passable."

Kirk chuckled as he gathered his clothes. "Well you may be no Bones,  but you're not so bad yourself." He was about to hand the other man  back his Slytherin scarf when he felt the tell-tale pull of a  transporter beam. "Oh Fu--!"

It took a minute for Kirk to adjust again to the brightness of his  ship and the transporter room, and simply grinned at his audience of  Scotty, Bones, and Spock. "Uh, hey guys! Thanks for finding me but you  know your timing could have been a bit better."

"Damn it, Jim!"

Prompt: Scotty, AC - "Feast for the Eyes"
Rating: PG

"Ach! I'm gonna need a bigger mouth!"

Uhura chuckled at Scotty's exclamation at his meal. It was a triple  decker sandwich full of various meats and cheeses. She had earlier  informed the cooks that it was his birthday and none-too-subtlety  hinted that a grand sandwich would make him happy.

He looked up and smiled sheepishly at her, realizing she had heard.  With her own plate in hand she moved to sit across from him, turning  his smile just a bit wider.

"You know, Montgomery, I'm sure the community of sandwich enthusiasts  would understand if you had to fork and knife your meal, as it is your  birthday."

Scotty laughed. "Ah but they are a bit of a crazy bunch, those  enthusiasts. And I'm surprised anyone managed to figger out my  birthday, usually don't like to toot my own horn about that," he  stared at his sandwich for a few more moments, "Hmm, maybe if I  disassemble and align all the parts to reassemble it should be  manageable."

"I always like to keep up on events like that. We're all together for  the long haul, so it's nice to know such things. Do you have any  plans?"

"I decided to give mahself a treat and not pop into Engineering while  I'm off duty. Just have a bit of Monty time."

Uhura nodded and watched for a bit in amazement on how Scotty  rearranged his sandwich to actually be eaten in manageable bites. She  finally remembered her own meal, a montecristo with strawberry dipping  jam and smiled to herself. She picked up a quarter of her sandwich and  dipped it generously into the the jam, before speaking again.

"There's no one you'd rather spend your birthday with?" Uhura took  meaningful bites into her sandwich, relishing the mixture of sweet and  salty.

"Well, I am spending a bit o' it with you, aren't I? And that is good  enough for me." Scotty grinned as he took a few more generous bites  into his sandwich.

Uhura picked up another quarter and repeated the process as before. "I  am free for the rest of the night, if you truly don't have any other  plans."

Scotty was about to politely decline until he saw the way she licked  her fingers clean of the jam, her gaze never faltering from him. He  gulped and unconsciously licked his lips.

"Would you like to join me in mah quarters for a celebration cuppa,  then?"

"Well," Uhura smiled coyly, "if you insist."

!fanfic, fic type: drabble, challenge: bridge2sickbay, fandom: star trek

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