Various Star Trek Drabbles Part Four

Dec 01, 2009 17:59

This past sunday's theme on bridge2sickbay was leftovers so random prompts that didn't get much attention in the previous themes. XD A bit more diversity here, and the last one with sulu/chekov? Is eating my brain and will become a full blown story rather soon. I'm proud of it as it is tho, cause I did pretty well I think within the time frame lol.

Prompt: Kirk/McCoy - I keep a close watch on this heart of mine (Johnny Cash)
Rating: PG

"Damn it, Bones. Why don't you just let me in?!"

This was an argument Kirk had with his best friend for nearly three years. And frankly, he was getting sick and tired of it.

"Into what, Jim? My drinking problems? My inability to trust anyone outside of surgery? My yearning for a daughter who will probably grow up to resent her fool of a father? Or into this bitterness that I'm always carrying?" Bones sighed, looking far older than Jim's ever seen him.

Kirk grabbed Bones by the shoulders and stared into his eyes. "I'm not Jocelyn. I'm not going to expect that this be perfect cause you sure as hell know I'm not perfect. We have our flaws, but despite it all, I do give a damn about you. More than just friends."

Bones looked away. "I gave everything to her, Jim. I don't think I've the strength left to do it again. To believe we won't fuck it up and then where would we be? Where would I be? This is for the best, really Jim. Just let me be your CMO and friend."

Kirk shook his head. "No."

His hands moved from Bones' shoulders to the sides of his face.

Bones grabbed Kirk's wrists. "Jim, what are ya--"

"I'm a tactical genius, Bones. I'll get through to you one way or another." He then pulled in for a fierce and rough kiss and held on, never wanting to let go.

Prompt: Pike/Chapel - A little less conversation, a little more action please" (Elvis Presley)
Rating: R

Christine knew if they got caught, there'd be a lot of explaining to do, but right at this moment she didn't care. Words could only go so far and this really required action.

The recovery room was quiet for once, a brief respite to the past few hours of tending to the injured. The only other person awake was the man lying in the bed beside her. A man she had respected and cared about for a long time.

She needed to show him that all was not lost. She climbed onto the bed and straddled his hips. He sputtered but quieted when she placed a finger on his lips before leaning down to kiss him. It was gentle but insistent, deepening as her hands dealt with removing his gown as quickly as possible.

She tried not to moan as she felt him harden beneath her, his hands slipping under her skirt and gripping her hips. She did let out a gasp however, when Pike used what strength he had recovered to flip her over so that she lay beneath him.

Christine smiled.

Prompt: Sulu/Chekov - I've got no illusions about you, and guess what? I never did. (Ani DiFranco)
Rating: G

Looking back on it, Sulu laughed at all his attempts to woo Pavel. He didn't know why he kept at it for so long, though maybe he suspected it was self-sabotage, to get around the fact that Pavel was young.

But in a way, it must have worked, at least to the point where Pavel flipped it 'round and he was the one being wooed. Which was kind of nice for once. He smiled as he mused about those first few months. He really should have just been himself, and not make such grandiose gestures like he did.

The warm body next to him shifted closer to him. He heard a soft "Mmm, Hikaru..." and his smile turned into a grin. In the end it doesn't really matter how they came to be, as long as they did. He finally got his man.

Prompt: McCoy/AC(Kirk) - Role play in the captain's chair
Rating: R+ ish? XD

After Narada, Kirk had a new respect for his best friend. When this man had a mission, he did anything to get it done. So he wasn't really quite surprised to find them both on the Bridge. Alone. Before anyone else was allowed on after the repairs.

What did surprise him, however, was when he was suddenly stripped of his Command Gold and being given Bones' Blue. He stared at it for a minute before he heard a throat being cleared and then looked up.

"You're out of uniform, Kirk."

Bones was sitting in HIS chair, in HIS shirt, and he was blown away by how hot that image was. Then Bones raise and eyebrow and the image went straight to his groin.

He groaned as he quickly pulled the Blue on. He then grinned as he saluted. "Yes, Captain Bones! Ready your orders, sir!"

Bones rolled his eyes at that. "It's Captain McCoy to you, Kirk." He then shifted his legs from a crossed position to a practically spread eagle one.

Kirk's eyes roamed to his "Captain's" crotch and he licked his lips, slowly. "I think it should be evident what you'd like me to do, Captain. Permission to proceed?"

"Well it certainly ain't gonna suck itself. Permission granted."

Prompt: Scotty/Gaila - Vibration
Rating: NC-17

"Oh Montgomery... You have such a brilliant mind!" Gaila exclaimed as she paused for a breather. Instead she let the hum of the engines wash over her as she felt Scotty practically vibrate inside of her.

"Aye, lassie, that I do, but it could nevah compare to yours."

She smiled. No matter how much she told him that such compliments weren't necessary, he would still flatter her every chance he got. She leaned down to kiss him as she squeezed onto him.

He gasped in her mouth when she did that, causing the vibrations of the engines around them to feel stronger. She began moving again, enjoying this languid pace instead of their normal frantic ones.

It was Gaila's turn to gasp when she felt Scotty's hands cup her breasts and flick her nipples with his nails. She gave him a sultry glare while he tried to look innocent.

Soon all the sensations were building up too quickly and within minutes Gaila, and she's certain Scotty too, had one of the best orgasms of her life. She collapsed onto his chest, still enjoying the hum of the machinery through her afterglow.

"I love you, Montgomery."
"That's so weird...I love ye too."

Prompt: McCoy/Uhura - Noir
Rating: PG

"This dame is gonna be the death of me," McCoy muttered to himself as he pulled off his bloody surgical gloves. He let Chapel close so he could take a moment's respite.

He leaned against the wall, head tilted towards the archway into his makeshift surgery room. Private Detective Nyota Uhura had been a thorn in his side every since she slumped into his clinic with a stab wound little under a year ago. It was shallow and she handled herself in a way he's never seen another woman (certainly not his ex, Jocelyn) do so before.

That doesn't mean he was smitten with her, though his nurse loves to disagree about that, but he knows he does take extra care whenever she comes in after a case goes wrong. This time it was a bullet through her leg, just missing the femoral artery.

The damned woman tried to laugh it off, saying how she goes through stockings and shoes because of this job. Every time he wants to ask her to quit but then he'd have to give her a reason why and well, he couldn't give her one.

"Wish I hadn't given up smoking."

"Doctor, she's asking for you."

He turned towards his nurse in surprise. "What is she doing up so soon? Did the anathesia not take?"

Chapel shook her head. "You know how it can be sometimes."

Damn cheap medication. If only he could afford the good stuff, but the clinic was barely holding on as it is. He shook those thoughts away as he went in, all kinds of remarks about her job and this last case died on his lips as she smile so brightly at him.

'Definitely the death of me.'

Prompt: Author's Choice- Scar fetish
Rating: R
First time writing Reaper!Bones/Kirk... XD

Of all the ways and reasons that McCoy and Jim would ever get together, John Grimm never thought it would be for this.

Yes, Jim Kirk always had a nice body, but despite all the fights he's been through in his life, he surprisingly had few scars. Until Narada. Dermal Generators could only do so much, and only if the patient got treated quickly. But Kirk being Kirk, had to be dragged in by McCoy when they were limping their way back home. And by then there would be a few lasting scars.

So here they were, in Kirk's--Jim's-- quarters, naked as the day they were born, simply taking in the sight of each other. McCoy never gained any scars, as his profession rarely gave opportunities to that and besides, when one can heal within a blink of an eye, there was no wound TO scar over. But that didn't mean he was flawless. No, he did have one nasty looking scar courtesy of John's prior profession. It ran from mid thigh around and up to his hip, ending close to his naval.

Jocelyn could never dare look at it, and believed McCoy when he said it was a farming equipment accident when he was young. Jim, on the other hand, looked like a kid in a toy store wanting to touch everything. And yes back to Jim with his many scars on that young, athletic body. Bruises were still fading from his neck and legs (where he slammed onto platforms in the Narada). There were faint ones, healing ones, and a few that will forever be marked on his skin.

McCoy would deny it, but the one on his wrist may have been a slight fault of his, when he reattached the nerves that Jim had severed somehow, and neglected to turn on the re generator. He made the first move, towards that scarred wrist, to be hidden under his uniform outside this room. He took it and brought the tissue to his lips, licking and sucking.

Jim moaned, moving his free hand to edges of John's scar, fingers ghosting over. "Bones," he whispered before his teeth attacked McCoy's neck, wanting to create marks of his own.

He was lucky they had made it through, had the chance to worship each others' scars. And for McCoy at least, be able to make a permanent mark of his own.

Prompt: Spock/McCoy/Uhura - What makes you think you can dictate how people love each other?
Rating: PG

He knew he would get it as soon as Spock left for his shift. Nyota and he drew the lucky stick and didn't have to be on duty till Beta. Like he was used to doing in his former marriage, Leonard pretended he was asleep. It worked on Spock but not on Nyota.

She punched him semi-lightly on the shoulder.

"What the? Wassthat' for?" He mumbled, pretending that she punched him into consciousness.

"You said he was too cold to love! Now I better never hear such a thing again after last night!"

He slowly sat up and took her hands into his. "After last night, a lot of things changed, darlin. You both proved me wrong on many fronts. But I am set in my ways, and I'm sure Spock knows this. Our arguments to each other may never stop but that don't mean we don't love it. It's just how we deal, I think. And it  certainly won't affect how we love you."

She smiled but rolled her eyes. "I never doubted that Leonard. And I know you won't change over night. But it may be good to show him a bit of appreciation when we have another shift off."

"Oh? And what kind of appreciation would he enjoy?" He grinned at her.

She moved a hand to under the sheets, he fingers bringing him to life. "Let me show you."

Prompt: Sulu/Chekov - Bank robber AU
Rating: PG-13ish
This bunny bit me in the ass and won't let go lol Also blame the B2S chatroom for influencing how this ended. XD

Sulu cursed. Everything was going so smoothly. They were nearly free and clear. And then Pavel made his move.

One Month Prior

Scoping out a place, Sulu realized could be very boring and frustrating. One had to take days going over every nook and cranny and not look suspicious. Luckily tho, he found his mark on day one.

Using a fake idea, and even faker mustache, he walked over to the free teller, and smiled genuinely.

"Hello, I'm Pavel Chekov and I shall be your teller today. How may I help you?" Pavel's expression lighted up as he gave his introduction.
Damn, with those curls and baby blues, this was going to be easy, Sulu thought.

"Well Pavel, I'd like to open account." Sulu leaned forward, hand resting on chin. "Got a raise today and thought it be best to put some of it away before I spend it celebrating at Badlands tonight."

Pavel flushed and nodded. Ah, so he did know the club. Excellent.

"Are you celebrating with anyone special?" Pavel asked as his fingers flew over the keyboard, setting up a new account.

Too easy.

One Week Prior

Sulu slipped out of the bed quickly, making sure he didn't wake up Pavel. This was the first night where he was finally able to convince his little Russian to sleep over at his place.

He made his way to Pavel's old desktop computer, glad it was already on as he was sure the noise would wake the other man up. Within a few minutes he was able to get the codes he needed and even the schedule for the next work week. He loaded it into his flash drive and began gathering up his clothes, hoping to tip toe out.

"Hikaru," a sleepy voice muttered, "Vhere are you going?"

"Um, was going to get us some breakfast, be back in a bit okay?"

"How nice! But, I'm not hungry, Hikaru. At least not for dat."

Sulu flushed. 'He's insatiable!' he thought. A part of him told him he should convince Pavel that he had to go, so he could meet with his team and get things rolling. But, a small part, the one that's had guilt this past few weeks, wanted to stay and enjoy the morning.

For once he went with that small part, smiled at Pavel, dropped his clothes, and dove back into bed. He could never tire of the Russian's laughter.

One Hour Prior

Sulu played his part perfectly, never once letting Pavel in that he was part of the bank robber's crew, but simply tried to keep his "boyfriend" from doing something stupid.

Once the robbers got what they wanted, he made sure he positioned himself to be the hostage that was taken with them for insurance. Pavel did try to fight then, but his coworkers were affective in keeping him back, and that small part of Sulu flared up again, but this time he ignored it.


They were underground, running through abandoned MUNI tracks. His fellow members were laughing at the success of it all, of Sulu's clever part in it all. He allowed himself a small smile at that. They took a quick breather near a gate that led into old Castro. With the fog rolling in, there wasn't much light to be had so no one saw the others creeping in around them.

There was several clicks of guns loading and a bright spotlight hit them all. Sulu and his crew turned, surprised to see Pavel standing there amongst other smartly dressed men.

"Pavel, what's going on?"

"Aww, poor innocent Hikaru. You thought you were so smart, going for young one. But you were too cocky, too clumsy. And I am much smarter than you."

Sulu was confused still, even as the other men captured his crew. He just stared as Pavel approached him.

"I told myself that if you'd let me in on the plan, we could vork this out...nyet, you never did, so poor Hikaru-chan, this vill be it. But I suppose it may have partly been my fault as I never properly introduced myself."

Pavel grabbed Hikaru's shirt and pulled him in for a rough kiss.

"I am Pavel Andreievich Chekov, of the Andreievich Family. I'm sure you've heard of us, yes?"

'Oh god,' thought Sulu, 'he's Russian Mafia.'

"My life is in your hands," was all Sulu could say.

"Da, it is."

!fanfic, fic type: drabble, challenge: bridge2sickbay, fandom: star trek

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