Various Star Trek Drabbles Part Two

Nov 23, 2009 22:25

Same drill as last post. =D Also one or two I was thinking about expanding maybe. Theme was "one word prompts."

Prompt: Author's Choice - Ring
Rating: G

What they had, it was good. Real good. There weren't any misunderstandings between them, when it came to this. They both had needs and wants that the other couldn't always fulfill and that was fine. Still, they would wonder idly, or in the heat of battle and surgery, what if it was different? What if it was made known how much of what they had together was better than anything else?

Only, as the mission went on, one did think more and more of it. He knew from experience, it was a long shot. They both had pasts that shaped and scarred them, that defined this as it is. He was afraid, to make it any more, to actually label it, might ruin it all, and then what would he be left with?

But, as anyone could tell you, when it came to his personal wants and needs, he was a selfish man, when he could help it. And in this, he realized too long after, he was very selfish. He didn't want or need anyone else, and he certainly didn't want him to want or need anyone else either.

So then it came, he took the leap, and couldn't believe he had until he saw himself putting the ring on his Bones and knew. What they had, it was good. Real good. But what they would have from now on? Was better. In fact, it was perfect.

Prompt: Spock/Uhura - Speech
Rating: PG

Nyota had always thought it was obvious why she had fallen in love with her then teacher. Though it did amuse her when her friends and comrades came to such outlandish theories and conclusions.

"It's an alien thing isn't it?"
"He has long fingers so... He must have a long *wink wink*"
"Because he's your superior and the only one not old or married."
"The ears isn't it? Bet you loved fantasy novels as a kid."
"Because he's Vulcan! Seriously, what harder challenge is there than to bed a Vulcan?"
"He's the complete opposite of Kirk."
"You lost a bet."
"He's controlling your mind!"

She never did tell anyone, and despite sharing her mind with Spock,  not even he could ever guess why she chose him. But one did figure it out, and for a whole month she paid the doctor with chocolate (as he had a secret love for anything chocolate) that she had brought on board.

"Same reasons us Southerners always gets the gal," he drawled during one lunch break in the mess, "and of course you being you, Nyota. It was the damned Vulcan's voice. The way he pronounces things all proper and care. That's what did you in."

Nyota grinned. "Well that and the way he moans my name."

Prompt: George/Winona - Dance
Rating: G

Winona always hated the Starfleet soirées. They always tended to be too stuffy and always about ass kissing. And then of course there was always the countless parade of men asking to dance when they never truly just wanted to dance.

But she did her duty and arrived and acted civil and definitely partaked in the free buffet. She had just polished off a nice chocolate mousse when someone tapped on her shoulder.

She turned and looked up at a very nice looking Starfleet officer who had a bit of a panic on his face.

"Don't mean to disturb you miss, but I was wondering if you'd do me a great favor."

"Depends on the favor." She set her empty plate down.

"See that Admiral over there?"

She turned to look and nodded.

"Well, she's got it in for me to dance with her all evening as she's trying to convince me to not accept Captain Robau's offer... I just don't have the patience to pretend to be civil anymore."

"So you want to look busy until she leaves?"

He looked relieved that she caught on and nodded. "I promise, as soon as it looks like she's on her way out we'll part ways and I won't bother you again."

She considered this for a moment and thought why not just this once. "Alright, besides. I think I need to work off that dessert I just devoured."

He laughed as he led her to the dance floor. "I don't think you really need to work off anything in that department..."

She rolled her eyes but smiled all the same at the attempt at flattery. "The name's Winona. And who is it that I'm dancing with this evening?"

He twirled her around to the beat of the music. "George Kirk. A name I hope you won't forget."

She couldn't help but to be impressed on his moves on the dance floor and his cocksure smile.

They danced far past when the admiral left and agreed to meet up again. Not long after, Winona let this George Kirk dance into her heart.

Prompt: Spock/Amanda - Tea
Rating: G

Despite loving his mother with all he could logically give. He had learned at a young age how impossibly illogical and impulsive she was when no other Vulcan (save for his father) was around.

She would dance to invisible music and sing improbably lullabies and insist on having her son learn the finer things of cooking Earth food. His father never complained and simply would give her, as Spock had labeled it, an "Oh Amanda..." look.

Still, there was ritual where she seemed like any other Vulcan, logical and precise, even if it had to do with yet another Earthly tradition.

Every evening, an hour before dinner, there would be tea time. Sometimes his father would be present, if his work would allow, but most of the time it was simply Spock and his mother. A mostly silent event, Spock could determine the mood and feelings of his mother on whether she hummed a happy tune or a sad tune or none at all.

The water needed to boiled at a certain temperature with only one specific pot, that she had brought from Earth, and the tea leaves needed to settle for precisely fifteen minutes. While the leaves would settle it was always Spock's job to set the tea table, which he always thought was odd to have a table solely for this act.

His mother always seemed pleased when he was done and would let him have a small cookie or fruit before the tea was ready. Then finally, as Spock was a child still and could be impatient at times, the tea would be served and they would enjoy it in more relative silence. This was always the time his mother would let him lead the conversation, if any, usually about school or how her garden was growing. If his father was there, he would ask about his work.

It was a tradition and ritual that Spock loved dearly. It was something he missed when he transferred to Starfleet and it was something he never thought he would have again after the Narada Incident.

But a year into their mission, he had come to his shared quarters with Nyota to find a small table sitting in the middle with chairs and a tea set. He looked to her in mild surprise and she smiled softly.

She explained that sometimes it was good to mix old traditions with new, and it would be a perfect way to honor his mother. He couldn't agree more.

Prompt: Kirk/McCoy - Fear
Rating: PG

I know fear. I live with it every damned day I'm up on this tin can. Sure I was able to fool myself and the psychologists enough that I can ride a shuttle craft without (much) of a problem but that don't mean I'm all hunky dory on transporters. Especially if we have eccentric Scottish engineers and and BOY geniuses playing around with it trying to improve them. Hell, they mess it up more than improve but the Captain lets them have at it, the crazy fool.

Anyone in Medical also knows fear well. Fear of losing a patient, fear that it was their fault, fear that they know fuck all of what they're doing. So on top of my phobias, I got all the regular fears that comes with the territory and now, a brand spankin' new one.

With Joce, I never had any fears. Maybe that was the problem. I was completely oblivious to what was going on for YEARS until I walked in on her and... Well, that did bring on a whole set of others whenever I did try to date and all, not that Jim ever believed I dated at the Academy. But what would he know, chasing every remotely attractive man or woman on top of trying to get Uhura's name the hard way.

I kinda figured this new fear after the Narada Incident, but never really let it sink in till the first failed mission. Cause it was routine, it shouldn't ve failed like it did. But suddenly I had both Spock and Jim on the table trying to ensure they didn't die over a stupid sentient plant of all things. Spock, though having such screwed up anatomy for being a half-Vulcan was easy to heal, and I sent him on his way soon enough.

Jim on the other hand? Allergic to so many antidotes I'm surprised he wasn't grounded by the Academy doctors. Seriously what part of space being full of danger and DISEASE did people not understand? Hours later, he finally started to respond to medications and I took a brief respite.

And as the saying goes, that's when it hit me. I loved the damned fool. Not as friends, or in a brotherly sort, but as honest to God feelings of the heart. And that I had for a rather long time. I mean, if I was going to get worked up over a simple mission gone wrong, what would happen down the line when there were complicated and dangerous missions?

I would be doomed. And that's what I now live with. The constant fear of James T. Kirk dying in my arms with me not being able to do a damned thing. Don't help I'm too damned afraid to even tell him of this fear, of these feelings. So fear upon fear upon stupid fear. And people wonder why I'm so crotchety at times.

Jim, he likes to face his fears. I on the other hand, can only live with it.

Prompt: Author's Choice - Unknown
Rating: PG
OT4! Kirk/McCoy/Spock/Uhura

This was uncharted territory where everyone had a fear of the unknown. Space, they all could handle in their own ways. But a relationship that breaks so many different mores? None could say they were equipped to handle it.

That didn't mean they weren't going to go through with this. Four years on a ship had led to interesting dynamics and conclusions and damn it, they all felt that this was right.

Uhura knew Spock more than anyone, even with whatever Kirk had picked up from the Ambassador's memory, and it was familiar and safe. But she too loved the passion that the doctor brought in and was right about how fun Kirk would be in bed.

Spock worshiped everything of Nyota from her mind to her curves. Both Jim and Doctor McCoy had brilliant minds and tended to bring out more the human in him, which sometimes he did not mind. They were perplexing individually and together, and of course made Nyota happy.

Jim never thought he'd be lucky enough to have someone like Bones, with his snarky mouth and able hands. He was the first to ever fully trust and believe in, so it surprised him when Spock and Uhura came into  the mix, to find out more of himself than he ever thought. Spock with his logical mind and ever present loyalty, and of course such a strong body. Uhura having so much fire and fun than she ever showed on the job, excited him with a simple smile.

Leonard believed he'd ever get another chance to be in a relationship, so when Jim came along and declared his love, he grabbed a hold with two hands. Jim made him young again when his past and job made him feel twice as such. While Spock irritated him half the time on shift, the other half it felt good to spar mentally and physically. Spock was the perfect solid tether that he needed at times, yet with help of the others could mold rather beautifully. Nyota made him remember how fantastic it was to be with a woman, in and out of bed, and she loved to help him get back at Spock and Kirk when they were up to things.

It was hard at first, not knowing the other half's wants and needs, dislikes and pains. It certainly was awkward more than enjoyable but soon they learned each others' quirks and kept on. Cause even the unknown can be tamed when you have others by your side.

Prompt: Kirk/McCoy - Denial
Rating: NC-17

Hot sloppy kisses. Ripped and shredded clothing. Hands, moving everywhere. Backs slamming against walls. A bite here, a scratch there. Hair pulling, teeth scraping. Hands fisting, mouths licking. A complete tangle of two bodies fighting for dominance. Neither giving more than they could take.

Cocks brushing against each other, sounds of hissing from the electric feeling. Moans and groans echo through the room. Bruises and scrapes forgotten and added. Too soon and not enough, release.

They slump into a heap on the floor, one straddling the other. Foreheads touch, they breath each other's air. They couldn't deny it any longer. They both knew at this moment, that this was it. They would need no other.

Slow, sensual kisses. Slick, rough skin. Hands, caressing everywhere. Chests pressed together, feeling each other's heartbeat. This time would be different. This time it was love, and no one would deny them that.

!fanfic, fic type: drabble, challenge: bridge2sickbay, fandom: star trek

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