Varioius Star Trek Drabbles Part Three

Nov 24, 2009 21:13

And with this, I'm caught up to all that I've done so far at bridge2sickbay! =D These are mainly Kirk/McCoy with slight variations, one gen, and pretty much ALL angsty for some reason lol. The theme this past week was "song lyrics."

Prompt: Kirk/McCoy - I tear my heart open, I sew myself shut. My weakness is that I care too much and my scars remind me that the past is real /I tear my heart open just to feel (Scars, Papa Roach)
Rating: PG

Another mission gone awry, another trip to surgery. He complains, always, of his superficial feelings. More work for him and his team, more supplies wasted, more ego boosting to the captain to go along with his foolishness. But deep down, he never lets anyone know how hard it is to cut his Captain open, to fix the broken pieces and ensure all is well again.

He keeps to his rituals, his nurses thinking the glass of bourbon is a congratulatory one, of surgery gone successful, of saving another life. But they don't know of the sorrow that surrounds it. Liquid burning down, shaking hands holding tight, as he shudders, replaying the last hours, the many ways it could have gone wrong.

Sometimes he wonders why he lets himself suffer for feelings for his captain, his best friend. Then he remembers the good times at the academy, the quiet moments together on the ship, how alive he feels with him around. Every time he sees him now, in his sickbay or out, his heart breaks open, but he cannot dare let it out again. So full of scars, he's not sure if he could ever heal another time.

So he keeps on doing what he's done, complaining and fixing and caring, hoping one day, maybe his captain will see right through it all.

Prompt: Kirk/McCoy - I want to stand with you on a mountain / I want to bathe with you in the sea./ I want to lay like this forever./ Until the sky falls down on me... (Truly Madly Deeply, Savage Garden)
Rating: PG

Kirk never doubted his mother when she said that he would one day want to settle down with a nice girl. There were many times he wanted to do that, usually in the same week. It was always a way to pass time, imagining himself settling down with one crewman or alien or another. After living another life in minutes when the other Spock touched minds with him, he realized he didn't want the same end. So while he still planed to be as reckless and ingenius as ever, he knew one day he'd be given retirement and that would be that.

He just never thought that the person he'd want to settle down with would be his best friend, and that he'd want to do it only half way through their first five year mission. Actually it was more than that. He wanted to give his best friend everything that the man had lost with his ex and more. He would do anything for him (except for the whole not being reckless on away missions as hey, he's James T. Kirk, and though he tried, it was really hard not to flirt with some of the aliens they encountered).

Like everything in his life, he didn't come to this slowly, letting it build within him how he and Bones were meant to be. No, it came all at once, when a mysterious encounter with a supposedly omniscient being whisked away his CMO. Damn the regulations, as Kirk wasn't going to take this lying down. If he had to go to the ends of the universe to bring Bones back so be it, if he had to jump through wormhole in a one man shuttlecraft, no hesitation. Cause a life without Bones, he knew, was a life not worth living.

Prompt: Author's Choice - Take this sinking boat and point it home. We've still got time (The Frames)
Rating: G
Gen. Only one of the lot, I'd probably wanna redo. XD

Captain Kirk didn't know if he should be proud of his senior crew or not. Despite all the protestations and regulations being thrown (by him no less!) they refused to leave the ship. Hell it took just as much of a fight to get everyone else onto the the shuttles and fly to safety.

Not that the Enterprise was in immediate danger, but its injuries could rival the ones caused by the Narada Incident years ago. It would take weeks to limp toward the nearest Federation friendly or neutral spaceport while the shuttles would get there in days. And despite Scotty's intuitiveness, it was unlikely that life support would last that long.

But if the Captain refused to leave his seat, they refused to leave without him, for he and by extension the ship, were their family, their home. In the end, he felt proud and awed by their conviction, loyalty and love.

"Chekov, Sulu, point us home, we still got time."

"Aye aye, Captain!"

Prompt: Kirk/Author's Choice - I watched it all up close. / I knew more than most. / I saw a side of him he never showed. Full of sympathy for a world that wouldn't let him be. (Shinedown, What a Shame)
Rating: G
Implied K/S/M

I like to keep up masks, even around my friends. Something I learned to do when I was young and lost. Always made sure I had more than one showing as masks are fragile things and can break when you least expect it. It became easier as time went on, and I was so used to wearing them that I never saw it coming.

Two people, not one but two, had seen right through them all. One had done it within weeks. The other took longer but he was more methodical like that. When I finally figured that they saw the real me and didn't care about the ugliness there, and still wanted to be my friends, I was happy. And stupidly, for the longest I took them for granted.

I'm smart, real smart, but when it comes to certain aspects of relationships I can be duller than a bed post. I started to pick up the signs, see the cracks and layers of my two best friends. They too had hidden sides of them, not at all ugly but just as painful to bare. Their conviction to the way they lived their life astounded me after I had put the pieces together. With all that was always going against them, more so than me, they still cared, still wanted to fight.

Then one day I decided to lay it all out. To take off the masks they already had found, to show them that they could too and all would still be right in the world. That we would be, could be right for each other. And in the end, we were.

Prompt: Kirk/McCoy - Am I the habit you're too tired to break? (Dar Williams)
Rating: PG

Am I the habit you're too tired to break? Is that why you keep coming to me in the night, almost every night? Save for the ones when you find a willing female from our latest mission. I should be grateful at least, of the crew, you chose me. I see the looks they give you, the smirks you give them. But never to me, never in public. There, I'm just your CMO, the one you tease and complain to.

But then night comes, what constitutes night for us, and I find myself in your quarters or you're in mine. Rarely ever any words, just a fierce kiss and a fumble for dominance. The taste of us is so good, so addicting, I'm forever looking forward to the next. I've seen you change so much since we first met. Horrible habits you've had to break, that I've made you break. Then others that I loved about you, taken away so you could prove to men and women that don't really matter in the end that you are where you should be.

On shift, the passion, the fire radiates all over you. It's no wonder the crew's enamored with you, no wonder that I am too. If only it went both ways. Off shift, the fire dies a little, as if you dont know what to do with yourself when you can break from being Captain. I take what I can, when you come to me with fires dimmed, when your eyes wander to another but know you can never touch.

But still, you come, and I'll never push you away.

!fanfic, fic type: drabble, challenge: bridge2sickbay, fandom: star trek

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