Jun 25, 2012 13:31
Wow, such a long time since I have updated here. I have been busy, that is for sure. Finishing up the school year, finishing up my yoga teacher training, giving my first raw food workshop this past weekend and also just BEING pregnant has been exhausting, but also so rewarding. Thankfully, I am eating better again which means that I have been keeping up more with my raw foods blog (still a wee little baby blog!)
Seriously, I have accomplished so, so much in the past year that it seems unbelievable sometimes. This last weekend especially with my raw foods workshop really made it hit home how brave I can be when I put my mind to it. I never, ever thought that I would be teaching people about nutrition, while 8 1/2 months pregnant no less, in Spanish! That is just crazy talk but it make me truly see that if I can pull that off, then I can pull anything off!
raw foods,