Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days - Part 4

Sep 30, 2009 21:55

Picking up on Day 71.

Day 71

Axel Axel Axel Axel Axel Axel Axel  ♥♥♥♥♥
Well, small surprise there, with a Day title like "REUNION", durrrr.
How cute, Roxas is happy to see him <3
"You had me worried"
SoRiku KH2 reunion much? Sans the knee-dropping and tears. Still cute. ♥
"Worried? Well, that's a neat trick, considering you haven't got a heart to feel with"
Ooooh, burn. That was low and cold. Not quite precise, though, depending on which theory you go. And it has nothing to do with Roxas having his own Heart or not. Sora's around, right? Not as a Heartless. I like to think that's part of the trick to Roxas, as well as Namine, to some extent - the Hearts they were born from are still "in the Realm of Light". Hence, they're not cut off from them. But oh well. *plays on*
"W-wait here. I'll go buy us some ice cream!"
He looks so happy, the cute kid. Makes me remember the KH2 part where they all decided to find out what happened to him, so he went to buy ice cream in celebration. Daaaaw ♥
Yey, Ice Cream sharing! ♥♥♥♥♥
Wonder where he's been for all that time, though o_o it's been... I wanna say Days and sound witty, but XD it's been about a month 8o
That's WEEKS! 8D

"I needed some time to sort out my feelings."
"Whatever, mister I-don't-have-a-heart."
Ooooh, counter-burn! You let him have it, Roxy!
It warms my heart to hear those two laughing together ♥
Of course, the sappy adorable music isn't helping any, but... well, it's in good taste. I love the friendship and interaction in this game. I wish Sora and Riku had stuff like that, instead of them bitching at each other (KH1), forgetting about each other and hating themselves for what they've done (CoM), and... well, all around being awkward >:

"You know, I started inviting Xion up here while you were gone."
The plot thickens. And Axel's reply is...?
Ooooh. displeased. 8D
Wonder just how badly it hurt his non-Heart, to hear that Roxas and Xion were friends.

Day 72
This isn't too promising.
Oooh, Saix and Axel scene! *watches carefully*
"That's like counting grains of dust in a building full of sneezing people"
Nice metaphor o.o
So he was looking for the "Chamber", huh? Makes sense why he was gone for so long.
"Come on, I would have told you that much."
O rly, Axel. O rly.
"All I did was find a place to send everyone who was getting in the way"
Getting in the way? Vexen, Lexaeus and Zexion? Really, now. Whose way I have to wonder.
...speaking of which.
"I disposed of Zexion."
Saix wanted him gone? o_o why? A friend of mine theorized it was because Xigbar talked to him about the 'other friend' in that FM+ flashback scene. I wonder...

Somehow, pairing Axel with Roxas doesn't seem like much of a 'slap on the wrist' to him XD
"Bags under his eyes" - just how human Nobodies ARE? They have bags under their eyes, yet they don't bleed.
Axel called Roxas "partner!" And Roxas giggled and grinned! What a Sora grin o.o

"Greetings... kupo? We're all smiles today, kupo"
:3 adorable Roxy ♥

Hm. No one knows where Xion is...
Sora flash!
...goody. Finally remind us Xion exists, and then show us Sora. =_= real mature, Nomura.
...I want to say stupid villains shouldn't be allowed to talk to themselves, but... it certainly makes my job easier.
or like Phoenix Wright said -
If the judge was a witness for the prosecution, he'd do all my work for me

"Won't you call it disobeying orders?"
"No, I'd call it flexible thinking. Got it memorized?"

...the world is coming to an end.
"He's sharper than he looks" - said Axel about PETE.



"You're more outgoing."
"So're you."
"Me? You think? Guess he musta rubbed off on me..."
...Roxy is jealous.
"Let's just say you can thank yourself that we get to sit here again and laugh like idiots over ice cream"
Sora =w= ♥
Daaw, he's sad Xion isn't showing.
thgwo h3oy
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Day 73
The Promise

...this is getting a BIT too cliche, don't you think so, Squenix?
Ugh. SoKai vibes. I hope not.
Ah. THAT promise.
"I promised we'd all get together for some ice cream"
=w= Roxy woxy. Shweety poo.
Ya! Axel's being nice! ...or is he?
"I'll pick Saix's brain, see what I can find out" - just because Xion's Roxas's friend, and Roxas is his friend ♥
Or so it seems 8D
Oooh, Beast's castle!
...but it's midnight. So that's all for today 83
  Divine Duckling, over and out

358/2 days, kingdom hearts

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