Understandings in light of Days - Entry 1

Oct 01, 2009 13:21

Seeing how I'm playing Days, it does shed some new light about stuff that happened in other games.
I played Days up to Day 72 at the moment of writing these lines. Hence, you need to have played at least that far along to be on the safe side, though what this really discusses happened before Day 30.

Will be discussing today : CoM.

Specifically - why Kairi wasn't there on the DI floor. Allegedly, it's because Namine replaced Kairi in Sora's Memories so there was Namine and no Kairi.
However, all clues point to a negatory on that one.
There was another girl.
Sora remembered both Kairi and Namine for a while in the game before Kairi began fading away.
The CoM DI Memory floor adds up with the KH1 DI - so long as the KH1 DI is about Kairi with TSW feeding us Riku/Kairi, and the CoM DI is SoNami.
And of course, Namine making up new Memories, indicating that even if she did use the Kairi Memories, she added a nice little touch of herself, so what's the point of using the Kairi base anyway, especially in light of all the points above?

So. Why WASN'T there a Kairi in DI, despite there being a Tidus, Selphie and Wakka, when it's obvious Sora all but forgot them?

Well, that is where Xion came in.
On a side note - I suspect that Xion became able to speak when they tried counting Sora's childhood friends, were unable to recall Kairi's name, and then the foursome became the SRN threesome instead.
And then Vexen died, Xion removed her hood, wielded the Keyblade, and Sora by then forgot all about Kairi.
Now, when you reach DI - you have Tidus, Selphie and Wakka. Sora naturally didn't remember  them. When Repliku dared him about it he didn't remember their names or faces - so of course he forgot more after so many levels he climbed up. Yet, they were still there - because the Memories were still in Sora's Heart.
So where was Kairi?

Many would say - again - Namine replaced Kairi in Sora's Memories, so there was Namine and not Kairi.
But look above and see why I don't buy that.
So where did the Memories of Kairi went to, that she didn't show up?
How about to Xion, hm?
Think about it.
Xion eats up Sora's Memories of Kairi and becomes her clone that interacts with Roxas. By the time Sora reaches DI, his Memories of Kairi were eaten up, and hence - despite there being ANOTHER girl - there's only one girl present - and it ain't Kairi.
So of course Sora has even less of a means to judge Namine's words by about there being another girl, because he doesn't remember Kairi either way to tell if she was right - or wrong.

This puts the scene that came later in a whole new light - where Sora asks if Kairi's so important to him, why can't he remember her, and then Repliku says it's because Sora's Memory is full of holes - because it is.
Now, Kairi's importance WOULD hang in the balance of Xion's link to Sora's Memories, but that does mean that Xion's the means to judge SoKai, not CoM, seeing how every single bit of would be SoKai in CoM can be excused through Xion - and I already have my opinions on that but time will tell.

I am highly amused.
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