Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days - Part 3

Sep 29, 2009 19:55

So we left off at the morning of Day 26. Let us continue.

To bring us all up to date, it's Day 26. News arrived of the first member to fall in Castle Oblivion - being, as we all know - Vexen. It ties only too well with Xion removing her hood to reveal herself to be a Kairi lookalike, not to mention her using Roxas's Keyblade.
We're not growling as we're to go on a recon mission with Xigbar... in Agrabah. Guh.


"Normally, I'd be able to slip on by, but the way you stick out? Well."
Xigbar <3

"So whoever was at Castle Oblivion-"
"And I'll never see them again?!"
As cute as it is that Roxas cares about those bastards... Xigbar's not quite right on the money. Vexen was indeed killed by Vexen, not by Riku or Sora's Keyblades... but that doesn't mean he can't still come back at the end. I think.

PLOT. PLOT PLOT PLOT. Namine @_@;;; they're already in Twilight Town. Things sure are moving fast.

Ok. I have to wonder if that was really Roxas Xemnas was talking to. And I think his lips said "Sora", but I'm not sure *squints eyes*

Xemnas @_@ finally. But... why is he asking SAIX about Roxas? o.o;;; you'd think Xemnas would be the one to know.
...or maybe... he's not talking about Roxas...?
Xion's role comes into light a tiny bit. Gee, think you can make it LESS subtle how much she has to do with Sora's Memories? >_>;

"So, sleep has taken you yet again..."
...Terra/Master Xehanort to Ven? o.o;;;;

Day... 49?!?!?!
Lovely. Sea shells. Guess she's been to Destiny, huh.
Oh yey, Memories of the end of CoM!

Day 50
...Kairi Memories >_> ew.

Aaaaw, Xion's happy to see Roxy! <3 And she brought him a gift! A sea shell!
Well, the comparison to Sora and Kairi can't be helped. Way things are looking, Sora is Roxas's Nobody, while Xion - whatever she is - is linked to Sora's Memories of Kairi. So them being together only makes too much sense that it'd invoke memories of those two. Here's to them trying to force Sora/Kairi at us through Roxas and Xion, only to have it end up in some major plot explanation again, like Sora's sacrifice in KH1.
Now where do I get my Riku? ;w;

Day 51

"Who else am I going to swindl- talk to, Kupo?"
THEY ADMIT IT!!!! @___@

Small wonder. If it's this far ahead, the entirety of the CO cast is toast.

Oh, how lovely. Roxas saw Aladdin and Abu and Sora flashed in static on the touch screen.
It's like... they assume everyone already played CoM and KH2 so they're not even trying to make it interesting. I sure hope the game's actual plot is worth it, as thus far it's a huge let down :c least the sap is making up for it. The music from the clock tower is adorable. And aw, Roxas is disappointed no one's there waiting for him =w=

Day 52~
More random missions. I think I'll take a break now.

Day 71 - Reunion
Hm, GEE, I wonder what could happen here 8D

"Remind me to underachieve twice as hard from now on."
Demyx is funny, but... I still don't like him. Brat.
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