Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 - Part 2

Sep 28, 2009 22:02

Starting with Day 22, as between the mission that "takes place" at Day 17 and now, there's a tiny time skip (thank heavens, I was starting to be afraid we really would have about 358 missions... I guess it's more /2, huh 8D)

Day 22
So. From when Roxas was born, it took about a month for CoM to take place, seeing how on the 22nd Day of his existence - the members of the Organization that we know and love from CoM have departed to... well, their last resting place. Axel's still behind, probably doing a lot more double agent work than we thought. Would explain why he not only went after Marluxia, but also Vexen and Zexion. Something smells fishy.

...oh no... I hate the TLTW underground T_T

NAAAW, Roxas is sad Axel is leaving for Castle Oblivion c:'s so sad, to see Roxas sitting alone on the clock tower T_T and he just got a Winner popsicle stick o_o the irony T_T

Day 23
...and he has no idea what he won since Axel isn't there to ask T_T @_@ Xion. Finally. Let's see what you have, girl :D This is what I've been waiting for! (well... not really... I'm still waiting for Riku... but still...)
...good gods, she's AMAZING and doing NOTHING
I exaggerate. She can at least dodge roll.
And shoot fireballs O: she's actually pretty useful... just slow @w@;;;

Ok this is just about heart breaking. Roxas doesn't understand that Axel won't be coming.

Day 24
Demyx... isn't much of a team player. Not that I can blame him, seeing his team, but they should at least try and get alone...
But... seeing his team...
Iono. I guess I just don't like Demyx a whole lot. Too bratty without redeeming moments thus far.

It's good to see he knows what the important things in life are.
"I love days when Larxene is out. I can sit around playing sitar...

...oh how sweet, Xion's first word is Roxas.
...and Jesse McCartney groans sexually in response o_o wtf.

I have to say I have a sudden liking for Xion c: I mean, I adored her before, but now that I see what she's actually saying... iono. It's Roxas dumb baby effect all over XD

Day 25
Journal entry: "The lady at the shop said you could trade the stick for an extra bar - but I can only eat one."
How much do you wanna bet he'll end up taking Xion after this day's mission? 8D

One thing's for certain - I sure am glad I'm aiming for 100% on most missions... aside from one I couldn't pack more items into my backpack >_>

...Xion took off her hood. Surprise surprise she looks like Kairi.
Am I the only one linking the dots between this happening now and CoM already undergoing? 8D Especially seeing both who Xion looks like... and who Sora forgot first in CoM? 8D
It probably is too fast for things to have undergone in CoM already, but iono. It's a nice coincidence either way.

One thing is certain though - the face icons are horrid! o_o

Ok screw coincidence. The Keyblade, just knocked out of Roxas's hand, materialized in XION's hand, and then she assumed a Sora pose.
Roxas: Xion... I didn't know you could use the Keyblade!
Xion: Yeah... neither did I.
...told you he'd take here there.
Naw. They're adorable together. XD
...Xion giggled... and it sounded just like TWEWY Shiki's voice actor *looks into it*  ok, no. Re:CoM Kairi (from Riku's part). Good. I liked her. c:
I have to wonder what it means about Kairi's VA for future installements though.

...this is what Kairi lacked that bugged me so much. INTERACTION. I NEED INTERACTION TO BELIEVE IN FRIENDSHIP, LET ALONE ROMANCE
Xion/Roxas is an adorable friendship T_T

I think it's adorable how well they interact together. A lot of people would probably go on and on about how Xion is coming between AkuRoku, but look at the 'dates' - Roxas had only been in existence for 25 days. Going by Xion being more of a zombie than Roxas was, I think it's safe to say whatever's up with her - especially seeing how she's no doubt a special existence, for her to be a Kairi lookalike - she wasn't around too long too. Roxas and Axel aren't even really based as friends yet. Come on, it's less than a month. A MONTH, people. So Roxas was lonely with Axel gone and Xion was willing enough to sit with him on the roof and enjoy his company. There was no true BFF-ness to walk in ON, not at the point in time where they decided to introduce Xion.
And it's not like they both went on with it on their own - Roxas said they'll ask Axel if he minded their duo to become a trio, and Xion accepted the fact Axel gets last call.
This isn't Xion moving in on AkuRoku - this is Xion having as much rights to be a part of RAX as Axel and Roxas themselves have. So I really fail to see why people'd hold it against her. Is she poorly treated? Thus far, it pains me to say - yes, she's described as a Sue. Suddenly becoming buds with AkuRoku (popular misconception, like I said - she was there from the start), suddenly looking like Kairi (all because CoM lapped a week, it seems), suddenly wielding a Keyblade.
But she's adorable and sweet and naive and innocent. I fail to see what's not to like about her as a character.
I'm glad I came with an open mind and a forgiving attitude towards her.

Day 26
Daaw, he wants that day's mission to be with Xion c:

...ok the "coincidence" part about Xion just died. They're talking about the first casualty of Castle Oblivion.
The first casualty of Castle Oblivion was VEXEN. That means that Sora all but forgot about Kairi.
Makes perfect sense why Xion'd have that look, let alone wield the Keyblade by then, huh? What next, Sora going to sleep and she gets a Keyblade of her own through him? Pfft.
Now just to see how it all pieces together.
I had a theory about it a while ago I posted on KHI - that Xion's link to Sora's Memories was established when Xemnas and Sora fought in the first Final Mix. Let's see how far along that'll go.

*screams in horror*
MOOGLES!!! name is of no importance my beezwaks.

kingdom hearts

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