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Comments 12

pod79 June 24 2008, 07:42:59 UTC
I agree with you, Namine was better developed than Kairi.

Aside from that, Namine is not the only one to say that Darkness doesn't have to be "evil", Mickey does it at CoM.

And, Namine has power over Sora's memories and not the memories of the people that touched Sora, but the people's memories that are RELATED to Sora, about knowing him, etc. This is why people can't remember Sora, or how they met him, or the things he did for them, not until after she fixes it. I have to disagree about her being a general memory witch, if it was for that, she could just get rid of the Org. memories about her existance and just save herself.

I think that's about it for this one. I understand, you like SoNami a lot, I just wanted to point some things out that I had in mind while reading this.


divineduckling June 24 2008, 07:54:01 UTC
I'm working on a reply to your Kairi response but this is a faster one so I'll do this here.
Something I saw there is that apparently I didn't make myself clear about things.

I never said Namine really was a general Memory Witch. I know she has powers over Sora's Memories and the Memories he shows up in.
I was just showing how very small importance that fact has since so many people don't remember that - and yet the plot doesn't change.
I was asking "so if Namine has powers over Everyone's Memories (and we'll say she can only affect the ones of those with Hearts, thus affecting Roxas through Sora but not the rest of the Organization) - what good is her being Kairi's Nobody serves?"
To which I answered - that it has no value. Namine can be just fine without being Kairi's Nobody as I stated about.

And this was just about me liking Namine. I'll show you why I like SoNami in a future post :)


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divineduckling June 25 2008, 04:37:10 UTC
While it's possible the need for a Love-Interest came before Kairi thus making it all the more horrible for her potential, that is the sad truth, yes :( they were more busy concepting her around the only girl Sora should seem interested of (and then came CoM) rather than a Priness of Heart that could actually do something.

Namine, as I stated above, has enough concepts in her arsenal aside from Sora to sustain herself as a character.


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divineduckling June 25 2008, 05:04:15 UTC
Well, that is indeed an interesting question seeing how a Main Disney Girl would have to end up like Kairi.
I guess what I wish for is for Namine to be acknowledged as a more of a Square Main Princess.
What enrages me though is the so few official arts in which we get to see Namine while there's a flurry of pictures that has Kairi and even an action figure (in her school outfit. Not even Riku as an action figure and they couldn't even put it with her Keyblade).
A lot of people complain about KH2's cover because it has Kairi so close to Sora. That makes it seem like she'll matter in the game.


leaute June 27 2008, 14:14:28 UTC
I agree that Naminé was, in all, a more fleshed out and developed character than Kairi. Though I do not find myself biased against Kairi in anyway and actually enjoy her sometimes, Naminé stole my heart in Chain of Memories and kept it in KH2. She was an amazing character.

I don't think Sora/Naminé would really work too well. I think that's where our opinions part ways, but you'll get no essay with argument from me here. As a character, I personally enjoy Naminé more as well and find her to be more interesting.


Question anonymous March 18 2009, 05:58:06 UTC
First of all, you did a fabulous job on this essay, I was amazed at how well you backed everything up and made your points. Nice job!!! But when you said "Diz orders Riku to kill Namine, seeing how he cannot control her - and we saw in CoM how dangerous she can be with her hold over Sora.
One can easily enough assume Riku did not follow that order (and KH:FM+ shows rather a nice reason as to why)," what did u mean by that?? What was the reason??


Re: Question divineduckling March 18 2009, 06:11:01 UTC
First - thank you.

As for the question, as I said, it's shown in the FM+. What happened was that Riku both appreciated what Namine ended up doing for Sora at the end, as well as remembering what he owed her himself from Castle Oblivion. When he fought Zexion and was about to be engulfed by the Light, it was Namine, albeit in Kairi's form, that called out to him and saved him. She got him to get himself together and he ended up winning that fight, as well as get a somewhat better insight about himself and his situation.
He couldn't just go and off her after that, and while it is only in the manga (and probably in the novels but I didn't read them that thoroughly, what I managed to get my hands on) he still tells DiZ he's not going the dirty jobs he doesn't have to - and this one he didn't have to do.


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