Cory/Shawn for oncethrown

Jan 20, 2010 14:53

Fic: Yuletide Greetings
Fandom: Boy Meets World
Pairing: Cory/Shawn
Rating: R (I'm not good at rating though)
Summary: Cory took in a sudden gasp of air and mashed his lips harder to Shawn’s, prying his mouth open with his tongue and taking what he wanted.
Author's Notes: So this was written for oncethrown. It's short, but I hope it's enjoyed. XD
Beta: There is no beta for this except my spell check. If anyone would like to beta for me, let me know.

Shawn walked up behind Cory, who was standing at the kitchen sink, and slid his arms around his waist. They were in town visiting for the holidays and Shawn felt as if he hadn’t had a single moment alone together. “Hey," he whispered in Cory’s ear before kissing his neck.

Cory smiled and leaned back into Shawn, “Hey you,” he said back. “I’m doin’ dishes here.” He gestured to the sink full of dirty Christmas Eve dinner dishes. “I gotta finish,” he added as Shawn littered his neck with more kisses before pausing to suck on a sensitive spot below Cory’s right ear. Cory shivered, grinding back a bit into Shawn. Shawn let out a groan and pulled Cory tighter against him, moving up to bite his ear lobe.

Cory spun around in Shawn’s arms before turning the two so he could press the other against the sinks edge. He then proceeded to press a thigh between Shawn’s knees and Shawn ground down into it, letting his head drop on Cory’s shoulder.

“We should not be doing this in the kitchen,” Shawn breathed out, biting the space between Cory’s shoulder and neck.

Cory laughed, his breath hitching just a little, “Look at you, Mr. Hunter, with your modesty and forethought.”

Shawn grabbed Cory’s hips and thrust them against his own, “It’s not modesty, I just don’t think your parents would appreciate walking in on me fucking you against the table,” he gritted out directly in Cory’s ear.

Cory shivered again and Shawn could feel him growing hard against his thigh. “W-we have to get through the living room,” Cory said, his breath hitching again.

Shawn cupped the back of Cory’s head and pressed their lips together before pushing Cory away from him. At the mildly hurt look in Cory’s eyes Shawn chuckled, “Go upstairs Cor, I’ll follow in a minute,” he said, leaning against the sink and taking a few deep breaths.

Cory took some of his own before he was calm enough to leave the kitchen. Shawn could hear his parents stopping him, asking him if he was okay, saying he looked flushed. Shawn laughed inwardly as Cory stuttered out something about not feeling well and going to lay down for a moment.

Shawn realized that he wasn’t going to be able to get up the stairs after Cory without answering similar questions. Shawn pressed his palm against the bulge that was still in his pants and sighed. He really didn’t want to have to answer any questions.


Cory closed the door of the room he used to share with Eric.

Eric had completely moved out the year before, taking a job in California that had been offered to him after he’d finally graduated college. He was doing fairly well for himself, but he’d been too busy to come back for the holidays.

This left the room all to Shawn and himself, without having to explain to his parents why they needed to sleep in the same place.

The family didn’t really know about the two. Cory was sure they knew more than they let on, but the couple had never come right out and told the Matthews family that they were together.

Cory was pulled out of his thoughts when he heard a tap at his bedroom window. Furrowing his eyebrows, he walked over and saw Shawn clearly outlined against the branches of the tree, pale skin almost glowing in the moon light.

Cory smiled as he let the other boy in, “I’m having flashbacks,” he commented, Shawn almost tripping through the window. Cory laughed, “But you were a lot smoother back then.”

Shawn quickly recovered and pulled Cory’s body against his own, “But I wasn’t nearly as good at turning you on back then,” he said against Cory’s lips, thinking back to hushed nights and fumbling fingers during their high school years. Nights Topanga never knew about, nights Eric seemed to know a little too much about.

Cory kissed Shawn and pulled back, laughing a little, “You could always turn me on, Hunter, you just weren’t as sure of yourself as you are now.”

Shawn raised an eyebrow, “And you were?”

Cory laughed, “Oh, no no no, there was no sureness in this body. I was all flailing limps and nervous energy.”

Shawn nodded, lips still lightly pressed against Cory’s, “My how you’ve grown,” he said, abruptly reaching down and grasping Cory through his pants.

Cory took in a sudden gasp of air and mashed his lips harder to Shawn’s, prying his mouth open with his tongue and taking what he wanted.

Shawn groaned into the kiss and started moving the two backwards towards Cory’s bed, no longer that of his childhood but instead a full that had been moved in when Eric moved out for the last time.

He pushed Cory down on the bed, following and settling himself between Cory’s thighs. Separating from Cory’s lips, Shawn began tonguing down his neck. When he got to Cory’s collarbone he lifted his lip and started to fumble at the bottom of Cory’s sweater. Cory arched his back off the bed and helped Shawn with the sweater to the best of his ability. Once Cory’s shirt had been removed, Shawn took off his own and slid down Cory’s body. He unbuttoned his pants and reached a hand inside, gripping Cory’s cock. Cory thrust into Shawn’s hand and whimpered.

“Shhhh,” Shawn said against Cory’s hip, “I want you all to myself for a little longer.”

The next hour was made up of lips on skin, breath, grazing of fingers. When the door opened Amy looked in at the two boy asleep in bed under the covers, curled around each other as if they were the other’s only protection. She bit her lip and closed the door behind her.
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