I suuuuuuuck...

Jan 20, 2010 13:13

Title: Dance
Fandom: The Covenant
Pairing: Reid/Tyler
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Reid makes Tyler dance.
Warnings: Boy kissing, boy groping, music listening. XD
Author's Notes: I posted a prompt list here about...oh, two years ago. I suck and haven't written in a really long time and I'm attempting to get back into it again. So, the prompt was 37. Dance and this one was requested by allowedtobesad. I'm so sorry, I suck so bad for not doing this insanely sooner and I know it's super short. I hope you enjoy it though. =/
Beta: There is no beta for this except my spell check. If anyone would like to beta for me, let me know.

Tyler flipped on the speakers in his dorm room. Reid had gone over the Caleb’s to talk to him about something, and it had been so long since Tyler had had their room to himself.

He’d been on this electronica kick. As he walked around the room picking up things that had been left out, he began swaying his hips. Head banging a little and still swaying his hips, he didn’t hear Reid open the door. He closed it quietly and leaned against the frame, one arm crossed over his chest while he chewed on the thumb nail of the other. Tyler had his eyes closed, hips moving in little circles, completely unaware of his small audience.

As Tyler swayed, Reid began to take steps closer towards him, arms still in the same position. Tyler had his back to Reid as the blond boy moved closer to him.

Tyler almost jumped out of his skin when he felt hands grip his hips from behind. He was pulled to the body behind him and he felt lips against his ear, “What are you doing, baby boy?” Tyler froze before relaxing when he realized it was Reid behind him.

The boy tensed up again when Reid didn’t let go a moment later. “Um, what are you doing?” he asked a little anxiously.

Reid tisked against Tyler’s ear, “No, I asked first,” he said, hand beginning to move Tyler’s hips back into a swaying motion. Tyler fought him at first before picking up his sway tentatively. “Were you dancing, baby boy?” Reid whispered into the shell of Tyler’s ear before lightly licking at it. Tyler’s hips bucked involuntarily back into Reid’s. Reid pulled Tyler tighter to him using his grip on Tyler’s hips and ground into Tyler’s ass.

Tyler seemed to come back to himself and tried to pull away, “Reid?” he said, a little frantic.

Reid smiled crookedly and put one hand over the half-hard budge in Tyler’s pants. Tyler rocked back against Reid involuntarily once more. Reid ground back into Tyler before quickly unzipping his fly and reaching into his pants. His fisted Tyler’s cock and Tyler let out a moan before his knees went a little weak. Reid held him up with one hand on his hip and one hand on his cock.

“W-what are you doing, Reid?” Tyler whimpered, thrusting against Reid’s hand.

“Making you dance for me,” Reid said, licking the shell of Tyler’s ear again.

“You never have to make me dance for you,” he said, letting his head drop back against Reid’s shoulder as the other boy continued to stroke him.

Reid froze for a fraction of a moment before letting go of Tyler’s cock and using his grip on his hip to spin him around. He pressed his lips to Tyler’s, prying the younger boy’s mouth open with his tongue. Tyler brought a hand down and splayed it across the small of Reid’s back, pushing their pelvises together. Reid moaned in surprise and Tyler thrust forward.

“Oh God, baby boy,” Reid grunted out against Tyler’s lips.

Tyler laughed, “I think I’m gonna be the one making you dance tonight.”


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