(no subject)

Jan 05, 2010 08:27

Who: Melissa (The Scream Queen) and Partner. [Open, hostiles welcome]
What: A new year, a new chance.
When: Jan 6th
Where: Axoryi Streets.

Having finally found a home away from Neon and Tetha and feeling safe enough to speak with people who weren't in a service industry and therefore more or less oblivious to the world around them, Melissa was out for a walk.

Axoryi really was a beautiful place when it wanted to be, all the charm and class of a lady of culture, but with the brass strength of a longshoremen. She had already grown enchanted with the architecture and done some sketches.

All of this frustrated her partner to no end.

"Slow! Everything you do is slow!" He growled smoke flaring from his nostrils to indicate how upset he really was.

She had grown tired of his complaining and was tuning him out paying much more attention to the way the light of midday gleamed off a fountain nearby. It had sort of an enchanting halo effect and she wanted desperately to emulate it in her art. She took out her sketchpad which drew a groan from Black Guilmon.

"Again with that damned sketchpad, it's not like you're every gonna sell anything! Oooo she can draw and paint big freaking deal. Can't draw anything interesting, can't make any money. What the hell do you do it for?"

"Doctor Crane said it helps to relax."

"Doctor Crane said..." Black Guilmon spat because he knew it bothered her, both when he spat and when he took the name of "The Great Doctor Crane" in vain.

She had to stop drawing and take a breath before continuing least she mess up and have to erase a misplaced line.

"I think your "Doctor" " He made air quotes with his claws, "Only had you drawing to keep back the tide of crazy because he was afraid of you!"

The look of loathing that passed from her eyes to his was enough to chill even the fire in his gut and he finally silenced his protests for the time being.

character: loudestlady, location: axoryi

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