The Great Gate of Kiev

Dec 01, 2010 08:31

I am feeling better this morning... although not as good as I felt last evening.  At about 1:30am I was awakened by cramping and gas that was EXTREMELY painful..... so that wasn't much fun at all.  Fortunately it only took about 20 minutes for the pain to subside.  I felt a little nauseous this morning but it passed rather quickly once I got some juice in my system.  And before some of you out there hit the "Are you pregnant" button let me clarify saying NO I'm not.... already checked into that.  Negative.  Nada.
The title of this LJ entry is one of the musical examples I am going to be using today in my teaching.  5th graders vs. Key signatures.  We'll see who wins.
We open the show on Thursday to the company and on Friday to the paying public.  I REALLY need to get some sleep between now and then bu with the way rehearsals have been running, the liklihood of that is slim to none.  Blech.  I guess I'll have to sleep in on Saturday to make up for it. 
So, while I was being drug all over TX this past weekend, helping deliver dogs back to their owners so Sharon can retire... my neighbors watched my cat for me.  This is not unusual and they often times do this.  But upon returning to my neighbor's house yesterday to pick up my keys, his wife answered the door and read me a very politely worded riot act about how I care for my 16 year old cat.  According to the crazy cat lady next door (seriously, she has 15 right now and takes in strays all over the place) my cat is so skinny because she has bad teeth.  I know Ayesha has bad teeth... she's 16 YEARS OLD!  It's hard not to have bad teeth when you are a geriatric cat or dog for that matter.  At any rate, my neighbor was insisting that she would be able to eat more if I took her to the vet for a shot and antibiotics.  First off, I would like to state for the record that I do love my cat.... very much.  BUT, at her age, if I took her to the vet for her teeth, they would likely PULL THEM ALL OUT!  How the hell would she eat then?  Second, I would like to point out that I have been trying pretty much everything I can think of to help her not only eat more but keep more food down in order to put some more weight on her skinny ass.  She used to weigh in at 14 lbs.  Now she's just shy of 5 lbs.  She's scrawny.  I will say this though, the idea of antibiotics because her teeth might be infected.... never occurred to me.  And I DO have cat antibiotics at home.  So, after weighing the cat and figuring out the low end dosage, I am giving her a little antibiotic with her tuna every 12 hours to see if it helps her eat more and keep more food down.  We'll see. 
I just was so angry when I got home after this whole thing.  This woman is not a vet.  And while she knows alot about animals, it is not right for her to give me unsolicited advice about my cat.  I've had that cat for 16 years.  I've taken care of her and continue to do so.  I am constantly trying to find a way to make her feel better.  And for this lady to insist that I need to take her to a vet to have her teeth fixed... while a nice thought.... she doesn't have a CLUE how I can't afford to do that... nor would I wish to have someone pull out all my cat's teeth right now.  Just.... *sigh*  I've consulted several of my friends, who either are vets or vet assistants, and they all say that it would be expensive and may not help at all.  So, what I am doing now is the right thing to do.
BUT WAIT.... there's more.....
The crazy cat lady also launched into a politely worded diatribe about toy dog breeds when I mentioned I was getting a puppy this weekend.  She went on and on about how toy breeds, particularily poodles, have all kinds of health problems etc.... Well, actually they don't.  Not these poodles anyways.  I know the breeding lines they have come from and the health risks of those lines... and they are fairly minimal.  Might be some knee troubles down the line.... but that's it.  Seriously.... this puppy's great-great-grandfather is still in the household.  They took a nap together yesterday.  And aside form being old, he has no health issues yet.  He's 16 like my cat. 
So, yea..... just irritating.

animals, updates, illness, thearer, pets, life, work

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