Dec 04, 2009 08:27
.... I am so glad its Friday. I have so much to do at home and now I'll have a little time to get it all done... hopefully.
.... today is the last day off before I head into another show. We do our first read through of A Doll's House tomorrow afternoon and start rehearsals proper on Monday. Back into the theatrical fire.... WHEE!
.... I am just plain tired today. I slept well but a lot of the meetings and things planned for yesterday ran over time... and that meant for a late beadtime. Blech.
.... I have quite a few jewelry orders to work on. I'm nearing completion of a few and hope to have them done by this weekend.... maybe even tomorrow afternoon. Would be good to get these ones out and be able to take others soon.
.... Seriously, Christmas is 21 days away... and it feels like it isn't December at all. Where did my fall go?